英文: Macro that import data from a folder to an excel doc 问题 I'm here to provide you with a Chinese t...
英文: How to open Excel file with 'password to modify', using PowerShell 问题 我正在尝试使用PowerShell打...
Macro in excel to implement a "+" button for N items. how to create only one macro but increment all items individually?
英文: Macro in excel to implement a "+" button for N items. how to create only one macro but...
英文: Finding content controls within Word table cells 问题 我基本上正在遍历给定的Word文档中所有表格中的所有单元格。我希望能够识别包含Conte...
英文: Excel Formula or VBA to find next cell in a row with a wildcard value AFTER date column 问题 我正在尝试...
英文: How to wrap text with auto fit specific table columns? 问题 以下代码用于包装文本并自适应第二和第三列。然而,最后出现了运行时错误 424...
如何解决Excel VBA中的refedit错误?
英文: How can I resolve this Error in refedit in excel VBA 问题 当我通过refedit在Excel工作表中选择一个单元格,然后点击以下表单中的箭...
Else if语句不按预期工作。
英文: Else if statement not working as intended 问题 在我的用户表单中,我有两个日期文本框;如果其中一个为空,我希望显示一个错误消息,通知用户在继续之前必须...
I have 2 tables in my document. I found out their variable numbers, but I don't know how to go the next table
英文: I have 2 tables in my document. I found out their variable numbers, but I don't know how to ...
英文: Methods for finding first available empty row in table in not working 问题 我通常不太喜欢使用表格,但这次由于许多与工作相...