英文: Excel Power Query API Call, result returned to the current table with pre-specified column 问题 我正...
英文: Click on Webpage tab if it is visible 问题 以下是已翻译的代码部分: Set P = D.FindElementByCss("a[href='#...
英文: Lookup and see two different cell and then copy 问题 我的查询是: 我需要一个宏,用于 IF A9 = "GBP" AND ...
将查询数据加载到工作表中使用 VBA。
英文: Load query data into worksheet with VBA 问题 I have translated the code portion of your text as re...
英文: Why is the greater than operator is not working properly for some numbers? 问题 以下是您代码的翻译部分: 私有子 C...
Suppress or close automatic dialogue boxes when dropping shapes (specifically off-page reference) visio vba
英文: Suppress or close automatic dialogue boxes when dropping shapes (specifically off-page reference...
英文: VBA Code does not return any value or either give an error; user-define 问题 这是我的代码:它应该返回在msaccess...
Excel VBA 数组在每次调用子程序时都会被清空。
英文: Excel VBA Array is getting cleared every time a Subroutine is called 问题 I am using Excel VBA to ...
英文: My code have an error and I don't know why 问题 在代码的这一部分:Set celdaB = ws.Cells(preguntaRow, &a...
英文: VBA get exact match from multiple entries on another sheet return true/false 问题 我尝试使用索引/匹配、VLOOK...