英文: CannonJS Massive friction (sticky) on "east" facing walls while having a 0 friction 问题...
英文: How to merge geometries and keep one color per geometry in R3F 问题 将多个几何形状合并并保留每个几何形状的颜色。 3个合并多边形...
Web worker 仍然使主线程卡顿。
英文: Web worker still janks main thread 问题 I’m having a strange issue with a fairly complex ThreeJS s...
英文: How to access material.resolution in Three.js 问题 我正在按照这个教程进行操作,尝试根据不同的坐标绘制粗线。 https://github.com...
Three.js React Fiber – 透明背景
英文: Three.js React Fiber - Transparent background 问题 我使用React Fiber,但无法弄清楚如何使子场景的背景透明。 这是我的根组件,带有主要的...
A data texture to read all vertex coordinates in the shader. But my datatexture seems to be empty.
英文: A data texture to read all vertex coordinates in the shader. But my datatexture seems to be empt...
英文: Cypress Testing Drag & Drop Three.js Canvas 问题 I'm currently trying to get some drag and dro...
英文: Is there a method like subVectors() but for Quaternions? 问题 我曾经使用getWorldRotation()与我的Vector3,但由...
添加线条在Outline Threejs上。
英文: Add lines over the Outline Threejs 问题 I've added an OutlinePass to my mesh, but I have also some...
React-Three-Fiber Canvas component causing 'Module parse failed: setter should have exactly one param' error in Next.js app: Solutions?
英文: React-Three-Fiber Canvas component causing 'Module parse failed: setter should have exactly ...