英文: How to implement map association in entity 问题 我尝试在我的实体中实现映射(Map),但我不知道如何做: ``` java public class...
英文: JPA entity not being created with default value with migration query 问题 我正在向现有的user表中添加一个名为signa...
Hibernate事件监听器PreUpdate vs PreInsert
英文: Hibernate Event Listeners PreUpdate vs PreInsert 问题 PreInsertEventListener和PreUpdateEventListene...
英文: Persisting object does not persist all its relational objects 问题 以下是您提供的内容的翻译: 我有三个实体及其关系如下: Cus...
属性 “hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto” 的行为与预期不符(MySQL 5.7)
英文: Property hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto not working as expected (MySQL 5.7) 问题 我想要实现的目标: 编写一个小的类,在启动过程中创...
从Spring Data JPA的@LastModifiedDate中排除某些字段。
英文: Exclude some fields from audit with Spring Data JPA @LastModifiedDate 问题 我有一个名为User的实体。这个实体包含了几个...
如何将 Hibernate 查询的结果映射到 DTO 对象?
英文: How to map results of a Hibernate Query to a DTO object? 问题 我在我的Java项目中有以下3个Hibernate实体: Company...
Why does hibernate need to save the parent when saving the child and cause a OptimisticLockException even if there no change to the parent?
英文: Why does hibernate need to save the parent when saving the child and cause a OptimisticLockExcep...
Spring data JPA – using @EntityGraph causes "Entity graph specified is not applicable to the entity" warning
英文: Spring data JPA - using @EntityGraph causes "Entity graph specified is not applicable to th...
英文: Select specific column in jpa native query and map to a pojo 问题 以下是我为您翻译的内容: 我正在尝试在Spring Data J...