英文: Cannot run spring boot app after adding Jpa maven dependency 问题 I started a spring boot app base...
PSQLException: ERROR: column "drink1_.id" must appear in GROUP BY clause or used in aggregate function
英文: PSQLException: ERROR: column "drink1_.id" must appear in GROUP BY clause or used in ag...
Spring Data JPA implementing Persistable results in InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: detached entity passed to persist
英文: Spring Data JPA implementing Persistable results in InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: detached...
英文: How to iterate through table rows in Java? 问题 我想要通过JPA迭代访问SQL表格,以下是使用示例: 假设我有一个包含100列的"Pers...
英文: Spring repository saving objects with attributes that are made using subclasses 问题 所以我有一个 VoteEv...
javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: 在类型[com.project70.Flight]上未找到属性[FlightNo]。
英文: javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property [FlightNo] not found on type [com.project70.Flight]...
JPA 1:N关系中移除子项并不从父项中移除
英文: JPA 1:N relationship removing child does not remove it from parent 问题 我有以下对象: @NoArgsConstructor...
英文: Can JPA Embeddable class contain an object reference? 问题 我正在尝试将一个包含对象引用的类嵌入到另一个类中。我总是会得到以下异常: or...
org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: 无法执行结果的顺序读取(向前)
英文: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not perform sequential read of results (forw...
英文: Using POJO as a base for hibernate entity 问题 我最近开始使用Java进行开发,我的客户也是一名开发人员,自Java发布以来就一直在开发Java应用。...