英文: Hibernate problems with join fetch "Cannot join to attribute of basic type" 问题 我在从SQLi...
org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Parameter value [false] did not match expected type [java.lang.Boolean (n/a)];
英文: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: Parameter value [false] did not matc...
在单个事务中插入多个实体 | Hibernate,JPA
英文: INSERT multiple entities in a single transaction | Hibernate, JPA 问题 我正在尝试创建一个POST端点,使用Spring MV...
IllegalArgumentException – Hibernate Error – org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException: Clasa is not mapped [SELECT c FROM Clasa c]
英文: IllegalArgumentException - Hibernate Error - org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.QuerySyntaxException...
Logging: 将日志与正在创建的对象关联
英文: Logging: Associate logs with object being created 问题 我有一个使用了多个辅助方法和其他“微服务”的MainService的Spring Bo...
我在映射中做错了什么?’field list’ 中的未知列
英文: What am I mapping incorrectly? Unknown column in the 'field list' 问题 我正在尝试使用Spring Boot重...
英文: @ManyToMany Relationship Between Tables 问题 我有三个单独的实体:`dish(菜品)、kitchen(厨房)、restaurant(餐厅)` 和连接表 ...
一对多关系在Java Spring Boot中。
英文: one to many relation ship in java spring boot 问题 -----user model----- @Getter @Setter @NoArgsCon...
英文: Should I include distinct in this JPQL query? 问题 背景 我在Stack Overflow(SO)上看到了关于在JPQL JOIN FETCH查询...
Unable to create a table in hibernate using OneToMany and ManyToOne relationship(also unable to create Foreign Key)
英文: Unable to create a table in hibernate using OneToMany and ManyToOne relationship(also unable to ...