英文: Not-null property references a null or transient value - Spring Boot - Thymeleaf 问题 I have a pro...
Hibernate envers “无法评估 $HibernateProxy$.toString()”
英文: Hibernate envers "cannot evaluate $HibernateProxy$.toString()" 问题 我正在使用Envers来审计我的实体。我...
如何在Spring JAVA(JPA/Hibernate)中映射MySQL Timestamp字段。
英文: How to map MySQL Timestamp field in Spring JAVA(JPA/Hibernate) 问题 我在寻找在Spring Boot应用程序中如何映射不同类型字...
Annotations in domain objects with JPA violates Database is a detail.
英文: Annotations in domain objects with JPA violates Database is a detail 问题 The discussion of whethe...
英文: Hibernate orphanRemoval on shared entities 问题 给定一个实体 B,它有一个字符串和一个日期值。 在每个工作负载中只创建一个 B 的实例,然后由所有其...
英文: Need a locking a mechanism (Persistent lock) which will not be lost even if application restarts...
英文: Insert a record into multiple Table using JPA 问题 我有三个实体,分别是 产品(product) 产品详细信息(product details) ...
英文: Hibernate delete and insert in one transaction 问题 这是我的JPA存储库: interface ClientApplicationPriorit...
Mini version of JPA entity classes and relating them
英文: Mini version of JPA entity classes and relating them 问题 I am looking for creating a smaller vers...
EntityManagerFactory.close() not closing HikariDataSource set by hibernate.connection.datasource-property
英文: EntityManagerFactory.close() not closing HikariDataSource set by hibernate.connection.datasource...