英文: JPA OneToOne and ManyToOne relationship with same entity 问题 我在Java世界和JPA中还是新手。我在OneToMany关系方面遇到了...
英文: How to avoid saving truncated data from JPA entity 问题 I am trying to save a bunch of data from t...
如何使用 @Query 注解
英文: How to use @Query annotation 问题 我正尝试使用 @Query 在我的 JPA 存储库中创建一个自定义方法,但在运行时遇到以下错误,请帮我检查一下。提前感谢。 以下...
英文: Remove foreign key in Hibernate DDL 问题 Hibernate会生成与JPA关联相关的外键,但是否有办法使这些外键成为可选的或禁用它们,而不需要在我的JPA类...
当尝试保存具有复合主键的实体时出现了 SQLSyntaxErrorException。
英文: SQLSyntaxErrorException when trying to save Entity with Composite Key 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 这些是我的类: User...
java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present exception thrown when tried to check whether the emailID is registered or not in POSTGRES database
英文: java.util.NoSuchElementException: No value present exception thrown when tried to check whether ...
英文: Hibernate Implicit Naming Strategy is ignored when using multiple datasources 问题 根据以下教程,我为两个数据库源...
英文: Update a column in Database based on new and duplicate record 问题 我正在处理一个问题,其中我正在从文件夹中获取文件名列表,并将其...
using spring transactionManager with Hibernate after transaction committed only one repository of two is actually being committed
英文: using spring transactionManager with Hibernate after transaction committed only one repository o...
Is it possible to make Spring Boot JPA Hibernate application to automatically create tables with necessary columns and relations from JPA entities?
英文: Is it possible to make Spring Boot JPA Hibernate application to automatically create tables with...