英文: How to get unique Ids within while-loop 问题 I have a form within a while-loop and am using javasc...
英文: How solve iterable float number in a tuples 问题 我正在尝试使用三个元组,它们分别表示三种不同类型的奖金价格,所以当选择它们中的任何一种类型时,必须...
英文: How can I sort a random word in Python based on specific criteria? 问题 怎么按不同的排序逻辑(标准)对一个随机单词进行排序?...
英文: If Condition Issues 问题 I have made a simple game for python in a function called (game()). I mad...
英文: When running my function it won't return me a value, what am I doing wrong? 问题 以下是您要翻译的代码部分:...
While循环 – len(Words)循环六次,“flower”有六个字母。
英文: While loop -- Count of len(Words) loops six time of the "flower" has six Letter 问题 以下是...
尝试在一个”if… else…”语句中调用一个函数,但它说下面的函数没有定义。
英文: Trying to call a function in an "if... else..." statement, and its saying that the fun...
英文: Is there any difference between nested assignment and normal assignment? 问题 我有一段代码: final int a,...
2D字典 – while True循环正在覆盖所有键值
英文: 2D Dictionary - while True Loop is overwriting all Key Values 问题 我正在使用while True和for循环的组合来生成一个2D...
英文: What is wrong in my code if all my if statements are being ignored? 问题 I am a beginner and don't...