英文: Move Excel cell data from one column to another via VBA with a condition 问题 我有列B中的文本。我正在使用条件,如果列...
英文: comparing integer with multiple conditions in powershell 问题 抱歉,我只能回答你的翻译请求。以下是翻译好的内容: 抱歉对于这个“愚蠢”...
尝试创建一个if语句,检查文本中是否包含., !或?,但它一直报错。
英文: Trying to make an if statement that checks if a text has ., ! or ? in it but it keeps giving err...
英文: Unable to print correct message based on conditional if...elseif...else 问题 以下是代码部分的翻译: Sub ViewR...
英文: Array formula with IF not populating column in Google sheets 问题 我似乎无法让我的数组公式从第一个引用的行向下填充,原因不明。 背...
英文: Creating a data frame in R with ifelse omits rows (vector values) 问题 Creating a dataframe out of...
英文: How to exit an outer loop in C (without ++)? 问题 在Java中,可以使用以下构造来跳出外部循环: int[][] matrix; int valu...
I'm trying to solve "small triangles, large triangles" code on hackerrank, but i'm not getting expected output
英文: I'm trying to solve "small triangles, large triangles" code on hackerrank, but i&#...
“dangling-else” 为什么会发出警告?
英文: Why does "dangling-else" emit a warning? 问题 我有一个程序。在程序的某处,我有这段代码: ```c int read_n(char...
Re: checking if triplets of integers occur in a list – why does my code give the wrong answer for one specific test case?
英文: Re: checking if triplets of integers occur in a list - why does my code give the wrong answer fo...