
huangapple go评论330阅读模式

Move Excel cell data from one column to another via VBA with a condition







  1. Sub MoveIt2()
  2. For i = 2 To 4000
  3. If Range("B" & i).Value = "TEST" Then
  4. With ActiveSheet
  5. .Range("E" & i).Copy
  6. .Range("M" & i).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
  7. .Range("E" & i).ClearContents
  8. .Range("F" & i).Copy
  9. .Range("N" & i).Insert Shift:=xlToRight
  10. .Range("F" & i).ClearContents
  11. End With
  12. End If
  13. Next i
  14. Application.CutCopyMode = False
  15. End Sub



I've got text in column B. I'm using a condition that if the text in Column B is "TEST", then I'm moving the existing data in column E&F to columns M&N, respectively and clearing the source cells. It works if my range is small. But when I expand the range, it does not do anything and does not return an error. Is the range to large? I'm basically looking through all of column B which ranges from B2:B15000 but for the case here, I'm only searching through B2:B4000 and it still does nothing. Smaller range like scanning 100 cells works with no issue.

For example, if it finds "TEST" in cells B2, B55 and B56, then this happens to the existing data:

E2 gets moved to M2:
E2 contents is cleared:
F2 gets moved to N2:
F2 contents is cleared:

E55 get moved to M55:
E55 contents in cleared:
F55 gets moved to N55:
F55 contents is cleared:

E56 get moved to M56:
E56 contents in cleared:
F56 gets moved to N56:
F56 contents is cleared:

  1. Sub MoveIt2()
  2. If Range("B2:B4000").Cells(i, 1).Value = "TEST" Then
  3. With ActiveSheet
  4. .Range("E2:E4000").Copy
  5. .Range("M2:M4000").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
  6. .Range("E2:E4000").ClearContents
  7. .Range("F2:F4000").Copy
  8. .Range("N2:N4000").Insert Shift:=xlToRight
  9. .Range("F2:F4000").ClearContents
  10. End With
  11. End If
  12. Application.CutCopyMode = False
  13. End Sub


得分: 1

  1. Sub MoveIt2()
  2. ' 定义常量。
  3. Const SRC_LOOKUP_FIRST_CELL As String = "B2"
  4. Const SRC_COPY_COLUMNS As String = "E:F"
  5. Const DST_INSERT_COLUMN As String = "M"
  6. Const LOOKUP_STRING As String = "Test"
  7. ' 引用工作表。
  8. Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet ' 改进!
  9. ' 引用源查找范围。
  10. Dim slrg As Range:
  11. With ws.Range(SRC_LOOKUP_FIRST_CELL)
  12. Set slrg = ws.Range(.Cells, ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, .Column).End(xlUp))
  13. End With
  14. ' 引用源复制范围。
  15. Dim scrg As Range: Set scrg = slrg.EntireRow.Columns(SRC_COPY_COLUMNS)
  16. ' 将每个复制行合并到源联合范围中。
  17. Dim surg As Range, cell As Range, r As Long, CellString As String
  18. For Each cell In slrg.Cells
  19. r = r + 1
  20. CellString = CStr(cell.Value)
  21. If StrComp(CellString, LOOKUP_STRING, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then ' 相等
  22. If surg Is Nothing Then ' 第一个
  23. Set surg = scrg.Rows(r)
  24. Else ' 除第一个之外的所有
  25. Set surg = Union(surg, scrg.Rows(r))
  26. End If
  27. 'Else ' 不相等,不做任何操作
  28. End If
  29. Next cell
  30. If surg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
  31. ' 利用列偏移引用目标联合范围
  32. Dim ColumnOffset As Long:
  33. ColumnOffset = ws.Columns(DST_INSERT_COLUMN).Column - scrg.Column
  34. Dim durg As Range: Set durg = surg.Offset(, ColumnOffset)
  35. ' 插入。
  36. Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  37. durg.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
  38. ' 复制源联合行到目标联合行。
  39. Dim sarg As Range
  40. For Each sarg In surg.Areas
  41. ' 仅复制值(快速)。
  42. sarg.Offset(, ColumnOffset).Value = sarg.Value
  43. ' 复制公式和格式(慢)。
  44. 'sarg.Copy sarg.Offset(, ColumnOffset)
  45. Next sarg
  46. ' 清除源联合范围中的内容。
  47. surg.ClearContents
  48. Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  49. ' 通知。
  50. MsgBox "MoveIt2已完成。", vbInformation
  51. End Sub

Copy-Insert Row Ranges


<!-- language: lang-vb -->

  1. Sub MoveIt2()
  2. &#39; Define constants.
  3. Const SRC_LOOKUP_FIRST_CELL As String = &quot;B2&quot;
  4. Const SRC_COPY_COLUMNS As String = &quot;E:F&quot;
  5. Const DST_INSERT_COLUMN As String = &quot;M&quot;
  6. Const LOOKUP_STRING As String = &quot;Test&quot;
  7. &#39; Reference the worksheet.
  8. Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet &#39; improve!
  9. &#39; Reference the source lookup range.
  10. Dim slrg As Range:
  11. With ws.Range(SRC_LOOKUP_FIRST_CELL)
  12. Set slrg = ws.Range(.Cells, ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, .Column).End(xlUp))
  13. End With
  14. &#39; Reference the source copy range.
  15. Dim scrg As Range: Set scrg = slrg.EntireRow.Columns(SRC_COPY_COLUMNS)
  16. &#39; Combine each copy-row into the source union range.
  17. Dim surg As Range, cell As Range, r As Long, CellString As String
  18. For Each cell In slrg.Cells
  19. r = r + 1
  20. CellString = CStr(cell.Value)
  21. If StrComp(CellString, LOOKUP_STRING, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then &#39; is equal
  22. If surg Is Nothing Then &#39; first
  23. Set surg = scrg.Rows(r)
  24. Else &#39; all but first
  25. Set surg = Union(surg, scrg.Rows(r))
  26. End If
  27. &#39;Else &#39; is not equal; do nothing
  28. End If
  29. Next cell
  30. If surg Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
  31. &#39; Using the column offset, reference the destination union range.
  32. Dim ColumnOffset As Long:
  33. ColumnOffset = ws.Columns(DST_INSERT_COLUMN).Column - scrg.Column
  34. Dim durg As Range: Set durg = surg.Offset(, ColumnOffset)
  35. &#39; Insert.
  36. Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  37. durg.Insert Shift:=xlToRight
  38. &#39; Copy the source union rows to the destination union rows.
  39. Dim sarg As Range
  40. For Each sarg In surg.Areas
  41. &#39; Copy values only (fast).
  42. sarg.Offset(, ColumnOffset).Value = sarg.Value
  43. &#39; Copy formulas and formats (slow).
  44. &#39;sarg.Copy sarg.Offset(, ColumnOffset)
  45. Next sarg
  46. &#39; Clear the contents in the source union range.
  47. surg.ClearContents
  48. Application.ScreenUpdating = True
  49. &#39; Inform.
  50. MsgBox &quot;MoveIt2 has finished.&quot;, vbInformation
  51. End Sub

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年8月11日 05:06:07
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76879313.html



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