英文: Borrow mutable inside of `match` arm 问题 I'm new to Rust, so I'm sorry if this question has an ab...
How to correctly read a string value from an outer scope within an async closure for Hyper in Rust
英文: How to correctly read a string value from an outer scope within an async closure for Hyper in Ru...
英文: Rust: Mutable references to each element of a tuple possible at the same time 问题 以下代码可以正常编译,没有任何...
Actix – 两个冲突的路由
英文: Actix - two conflicting routes 问题 I have two services, #[put("/{bucket_name}")] pub asyn...
英文: What's the difference between Some(v) and Some(&v)? 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: `code block 1` 和下面的代码...
英文: Deconstructing enums in Rust 问题 Here's a more idiomatic Rust function to extract the primitive v...
英文: Rust struct type aliases and "inheriting" methods 问题 第一个问题 有办法强制 Rust 编译器将 Point 和 Col...
如何在Rust中组合if let和match表达式
英文: How to combine if let match expression in rust 问题 Here is the translated code portion: fn main()...
英文: How to store predefined instances of a struct in a way that they can be referenced by name? 问题 我...
英文: In bitvec, how does storage size affect loading? 问题 How does the storage size affect how loading...