英文: Customizing errors from Query extractor in Rust with Axum 问题 I have followed the example provide...
Error i8::MAX – 常量 `MAX` 是私有的 [E0603]
英文: Error i8::MAX - Constant `MAX` is private [E0603] 问题 I'm following a beginner's tutorial on Rust...
Rust warp服务器在传递具有泛型的处理程序时出现问题。
英文: Rust warp server issue when passing a handler with a generic 问题 It appears that you're encounter...
fs::create_dir_all() doesn't throw an error, but also does not work
英文: fs::create_dir_all() doesn't throw an error, but also does not work 问题 fs::create_dir_all(&q...
Rust:`sort_by` 多个条件,冗长的模式匹配
英文: Rust: `sort_by` multiple criteria, verbose pattern matching 问题 Here's the translated code withou...
英文: getting a byte literal to a u64 literal 问题 I understand that you want a translation of the code-...
Dedup logic without getting "cannot return value referencing local variable `queues` returns a value referencing data owned by the current function"
英文: Dedup logic without getting "cannot return value referencing local variable `queues` return...
英文: How to best hint at rustc that a recursive data-structure based on Pointee::Metadata is well-for...
Why is my Server appears to only able works whenever my `BufWriter` and `BufReader` are in a separate function?
英文: Why is my Server appears to only able works whenever my `BufWriter` and `BufReader` are in a sep...
英文: Is there a lower-level alternative to RwLock? 问题 在我的较低级别库中,我想要一个RwLock的功能,但是不想持有RwLockReadGuard或...