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Deconstructing enums in Rust


Here's a more idiomatic Rust function to extract the primitive value from the netcdf::attribute::AttrValue enum variant:

  1. use netcdf;
  2. use std::env;
  3. fn extract_primitive_value(attr_value: &netcdf::attribute::AttrValue) -> Option<String> {
  4. if let netcdf::attribute::AttrValue::Str(v) = attr_value {
  5. Some(v.clone())
  6. } else {
  7. None
  8. }
  9. }
  10. fn main() -> Result<(), netcdf::error::Error> {
  11. let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
  12. let file = netcdf::open(&args[1])?; // data/CCMP_Wind_Analysis_19930103_V03.0_L4.0.nc
  13. let vwnd = &file.variable("vwnd").expect("Could not find variable 'vwnd'");
  14. if let Some(attr) = vwnd.attribute("units") {
  15. if let Some(units) = extract_primitive_value(attr.value()) {
  16. println!("{}", units);
  17. }
  18. }
  19. Ok(())
  20. }

I've created the extract_primitive_value function to handle the extraction of the String value from the AttrValue enum variant. This function makes the code more idiomatic and reusable.


Very new to rust and trying to understand how to idiomatically work with this enum: https://docs.rs/netcdf/latest/netcdf/attribute/enum.AttrValue.html

How do I write a function that, given the netcdf::attribute::AttrValue enum and variant I expect I'm in, returns to me the primitive that the enum variant was constructed from? Something about deconstruction and generic functions, but I can't get a nice solution off the ground. Here's my best attempt:

  1. use netcdf;
  2. use std::env;
  3. fn main() -&gt; Result&lt;(), netcdf::error::Error&gt; {
  4. let args: Vec&lt;String&gt; = env::args().collect();
  5. let file = netcdf::open(&amp;args[1])?; // data/CCMP_Wind_Analysis_19930103_V03.0_L4.0.nc
  6. let vwnd = &amp;file.variable(&quot;vwnd&quot;).expect(&quot;Could not find variable &#39;vwnd&#39;&quot;);
  7. // help me re-write this hacky block in a nice function that works for any variant:
  8. let mut units: String = String::from(&quot;null&quot;);
  9. let x = vwnd.attribute(&quot;units&quot;).unwrap().value().unwrap(); // here&#39;s the AttrValue enum
  10. if let netcdf::attribute::AttrValue::Str(v) = x {
  11. units = v;
  12. }
  13. println!(&quot;{}&quot;,units);
  14. // hack block complete
  15. return Ok(())
  16. }

This works - units does in fact have a String-type string in it - but this seems very not idiomatic. How should I turn this into an idiomatic rust function?


得分: 4

你通常会使用 TryFrom 特性来实现这一点。如果库的作者为他的类型提供了 TryFrom 实例,那么你可以简单地编写 String::try_from(v),然后获得 Ok(string) 或适当的错误。



You would normally use the TryFrom trait for this. If the library author had provided TryFrom instances for his type, then you could simply write String::try_from(v) and get either an Ok(string) or an appropriate error.

Unfortunately, they didn't do so. You can always do it yourself with the newtype pattern, but it'll be a decent bit of legwork to get all of those types up and running.


得分: 0

Here's the translated code portion:

  1. 感谢Silvio - 对于那些寻求明确答案的人,这是我对Silvio的建议的解释
  2. ```rust
  3. use netcdf;
  4. use std::env;
  5. use std::convert::TryFrom;
  6. struct Wrapper {
  7. s: String
  8. }
  9. impl std::convert::TryFrom<netcdf::attribute::AttrValue> for Wrapper {
  10. type Error = &'static str;
  11. fn try_from(value: netcdf::attribute::AttrValue) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
  12. if let netcdf::attribute::AttrValue::Str(v) = value {
  13. Ok(Wrapper { s: String::from(v) })
  14. } else {
  15. Err("nope")
  16. }
  17. }
  18. }
  19. fn main() -> Result<(), netcdf::error::Error> {
  20. let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
  21. let file = netcdf::open(&args[1])?; // data/CCMP_Wind_Analysis_19930103_V03.0_L4.0.nc
  22. let vwnd = &file.variable("vwnd").expect("Could not find variable 'vwnd'");
  23. let units = Wrapper::try_from(vwnd.attribute("units").unwrap().value().unwrap()).unwrap().s;
  24. println!("{:#?}", units);
  25. return Ok(())
  26. }


  1. 请注意,翻译是根据您提供的代码内容进行的,如果有任何问题,请告诉我。
  2. <details>
  3. <summary>英文:</summary>
  4. Thanks Silvio - for those looking for an explicit answer, here&#39;s how I interpreted Silvio&#39;s advice:

use netcdf;
use std::env;
use std::convert::TryFrom;

struct Wrapper{
s: String

impl std::convert::TryFrom<netcdf::attribute::AttrValue> for Wrapper {
type Error = &'static str;

  1. fn try_from(value: netcdf::attribute::AttrValue) -&gt; Result&lt;Self, Self::Error&gt; {
  2. if let netcdf::attribute::AttrValue::Str(v) = value {
  3. Ok(Wrapper{s: String::from(v)} )
  4. } else {
  5. Err(&quot;nope&quot;)
  6. }
  7. }


fn main() -> Result<(), netcdf::error::Error> {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();

let file = netcdf::open(&args[1])?; // data/CCMP_Wind_Analysis_19930103_V03.0_L4.0.nc
let vwnd = &file.variable("vwnd").expect("Could not find variable 'vwnd'");

let units = Wrapper::try_from(vwnd.attribute("units").unwrap().value().unwrap()).unwrap().s;
println!("{:#?}", units);

return Ok(())


  1. I&#39;m a little surprised so much work would be needed to extract a simple attribute, but that&#39;s a different question entirely.
  2. </details>

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年5月18日 08:58:27
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76277096.html



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