英文: Can you lookup an element of a vector and change it? 问题 Here's the translated code you requested...
Concatenate byte arrays without allocating.
英文: Concatenate byte arrays without allocating 问题 我想在字节切片末尾添加一个"标记"字节,以确保它以换行字节结尾,同时进行解析。以...
One function call creates double borrow error while other does not.
英文: One function call creates double borrow error while other does not 问题 I am a bit confused about ...
英文: How do I mock an external dependency in Rust 问题 我有一个调用外部依赖walkdir::WalkDir的方法,并希望测试我是否正确处理了它的输出。...
I have a struct that has a field where the type is generic, but to create new records of this struct does not let me copy the generic types into rust
英文: I have a struct that has a field where the type is generic, but to create new records of this st...
Working around rust’s double borrow error in this pattern.
英文: Working around rust's double borrow error in this pattern 问题 I am writing a gameboy emulator...
英文: How can I make assert_eq! in Rust show multiline strings 问题 以下是要翻译的内容: 我有以下的Rust单元测试: #[test] fn...
Struct with sections to organize the data.
英文: Struct with sections to organize the data 问题 To organize and use the JSON data in your Rust code...
Type annotations needed for none variant – ergonomics
英文: Type annotations needed for none variant - ergonomics 问题 我有一个结构体,其中有一个名为 'payload' 的字段,其类型为 Opti...
比较 Rust 中异步操作的句柄与流。
英文: Comparing handles vs streams for async operations in rust 问题 In rust, we can write a vector of h...