英文: Entering to context manager with method of instance 问题 我想在我的类中实现一个上下文管理器,它不会创建一个新的实例,而是通过某个方法在现有...
英文: Subtyping in Java results in unexpected output 问题 我试图理解Java中的子类型和继承是如何工作的。最近,我遇到了一个让我感到困惑的情况。我有以...
Instance fields should be initialized in the constructor body or in the class body?
英文: Should instance fields be initialized in the constructor body or in the class body? 问题 在我所有的职业和教...
英文: Function returning blank 问题 我在尝试测试C++中非常基本的面向对象编程,但遇到了一个问题。我正在编写以下类: 演员类: #pragma once #include ...
英文: Interface to return Generic type 问题 我有一个返回Connection的接口。我已经改成了Object,因为我有时需要从Mongo返回Connection,有...
Why is my second variable (x2,y2) not defined while my first variable (x1,y1) is?
英文: Why is my second variable (x2,y2) not defined while my first variable (x1,y1) is? 问题 class Line(...
英文: How to change a variable in a Class with dot notation? 问题 class MyClass(me: String) { var name: ...
Is it accurate to say that the "interface" in oop provides a "has a" capability for classes and only used with unrelated classes?
英文: Is it accurate to say that the "interface" in oop provides a "has a" capabil...
英文: Why do we return a head in normal function and don't return it in class function? 问题 好的,以下是翻...
Dart – 创建新对象会改变旧对象
英文: Dart - Creating new objects changes old objects 问题 在DartPad中运行这段代码,为什么对象a会被后续的声明和实例化相同对象类型的操作更新?...