英文: awk: ignore the comment in file 问题 我正在做一个 awk 作业 并获得文件 IN-arg # 这是一个注释 joejoejoe 10 20 30 # 这也是一...
英文: Add entries from a CSV into different arrays on awk and print them 问题 我正在制作一个.awk脚本,用来处理包含产品价格的....
英文: Using awk to calculate a csv but with uneven columns 问题 我需要使用扩展名为 .awk 的脚本来在文件中进行计算。每行包含数字,最后一个位...
What is a more efficient way to remove duplicates from a CSV file based on specific fields using a batch script, (and gawk, if needed)?
英文: What is a more efficient way to remove duplicates from a CSV file based on specific fields using...
英文: Parsing a large CSV file with unusual characters, spacing, brackets, and irregular returns in ba...
英文: Use awk to compare the differences between two files when a column matches 问题 Sure, here's the c...
awk – 如果匹配到模式,添加一个具有下一行中找到的值的列。
英文: awk - Adding a column with value found in next line, if patter is matched 问题 我正在尝试将此文件转换为: keyn,...
英文: how do I extract a date stamp from a file name stored in a bash variable 问题 Sure, here's the tra...
英文: How to fill the values to a shell script from tsv file and create new file from 1st column value...
英文: Find nearest range higher and lower inside another range 问题 我理解了你的问题,你想要提高你的awk脚本的速度。然而,由于这个问题涉及...