how to generate in vhdl in my testbench using a procedure two signals with different frequencies and delays
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use std.textio.all;
library work;
use work.all;
entity paralell is
end paralell;
architecture paralell_arch of paralell is
constant c_CLOCK_PERIOD : time := 40 ns;
signal L1 : std_logic := '0';
signal L2 : std_logic := '0';
UUT : entity work.paralel
port map (
clk => r_CLOCK,
sig1 => L1,
sig2 => L2,
p_CLK_GEN : process is
wait for c_CLOCK_PERIOD/2;
r_CLOCK <= not r_CLOCK;
end process p_CLK_GEN;
-- 以下为您提供的其他代码部分,包括 parametre_2、parametre_1 和 parametre 过程,以及主测试过程。
-- 请注意,这里只提供翻译,不包括代码内容。
I am currently trying to generate two signals in my testbench (VHDL) with a different delay, a different duty cycle and two different periods. The two signals must be carried out in parallel and not sequentially in a single main procedure containing the 6 parameters of the two signals (period1, delay1, duty cycle1, period2, delay2 and duty circle2). My problem is that the second signal is not activated at the desired moment but after the first signal has been exercised, which is logical since the execution is sequential. How can I get the second signal to activate at the desired Delay?
I've written two procedures for each signal and a main procedure for recalling them together. I hope to be able to have both signals activated at their respective delays independently of each other.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
use std.textio.all;
library work;
use work.all;
entity paralell is
end paralell;
architecture paralell_arch of paralell is
constant c_CLOCK_PERIOD : time := 40 ns;
signal L1 : std_logic := '0';
signal L2 : std_logic := '0';
UUT : entity work.paralel
port map (
clk => r_CLOCK,
sig1 => L1,
sig2 => L2,
p_CLK_GEN : process is
wait for c_CLOCK_PERIOD/2;
r_CLOCK <= not r_CLOCK;
end process p_CLK_GEN;
Simulation : process -- main testing
procedure parametre_2(T6 : time; D6 : time; Delay6 : time) is
L2 <= '0';
if Delay6 >= 0 ns then
wait for Delay6;
end if;
L2 <= '1';
wait for D6;
L2 <= '0';
wait for (T6 - D6);
end procedure parametre_2;
procedure parametre_1(T5 : time; D5 : time; Delay5 : time) is
L1 <= '0';
if Delay5 >= 0 ns then
wait for Delay5;
end if;
L1 <= '1';
if D5 >= 0 ns then
wait for D5;
end if;
L1 <= '0';
wait for (T5 - D5);
end procedure parametre_1;
procedure parametre(T3 : time; D3 : time; Delay1 : time; T4 : time; D4 :time; Delay2 : time)is
for i in 0 to 1 loop
if i = 0 then
parametre_1(T3, D3, Delay1);
elsif i= 1 then
parametre_2(T4, D4, Delay2);
end if;
end loop;
end procedure parametre;
parametre(400 us, 200 us, 10 ns , 100 us , 50 us,20 ns);
report " Simulation finished successfully!" severity note;
end process;
end paralell_arch;
得分: 1
osvvm.TbUtilPkg.CreateClock(Clk1, PERIOD_1, DUTY_CYCLE_1) ;
osvvm.TbUtilPkg.CreateClock(Clk2, PERIOD_2, DUTY_CYCLE_2) ;
library IEEE ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
entity TwoClockOneProcess is
end entity TwoClockOneProcess ;
architecture test of TwoClockOneProcess is
signal Clk1, Clk2 : std_logic := '1' ;
constant PERIOD_1 : time := 8 ns ;
constant DUTY_CYCLE_1 : real := 0.5 ;
constant PERIOD_2 : time := 5 ns ;
constant DUTY_CYCLE_2 : real := 0.75 ;
ClockProc : process
procedure LocalClock(
signal Clk : inout std_logic ;
constant Period : in time ;
constant DutyCycle : in real
) is
Clk <= transport '0' after Period * DutyCycle, '1' after Period ;
end procedure LocalClock ;
Clk1 <= '1' ;
LocalClock(Clk1, PERIOD_1, DUTY_CYCLE_1) ;
Clk2 <= '1' ;
LocalClock(Clk2, PERIOD_2, DUTY_CYCLE_2) ;
wait on Clk1, Clk2 ;
if rising_edge(Clk1) then
LocalClock(Clk1, PERIOD_1, DUTY_CYCLE_1) ;
end if ;
if rising_edge(Clk2) then
LocalClock(Clk2, PERIOD_2, DUTY_CYCLE_2) ;
end if ;
end loop ;
end process ClockProc ;
end architecture test ;
First, for something that is not a college exercise, use two separate clock generators. OSVVM library provides the following (see https://github.com/OSVVM/OsvvmLibraries). Do the calls in the architecture, not a process.
osvvm.TbUtilPkg.CreateClock(Clk1, PERIOD_1, DUTY_CYCLE_1) ;
osvvm.TbUtilPkg.CreateClock(Clk2, PERIOD_2, DUTY_CYCLE_2) ;
If for some reason a college exercise required me to dispatch these from the same process, I would do the following. As an alternative to driving Clk1 and Clk2 to a '1' in the beginning of ClockProc, you could have initialized them to '1' in the declaration. While this is an interesting challenge for an experienced VHDL person, I would impressed if someone new to VHDL were able to accomplish this - that said, I will warn you that this may be a test to see if you asked a homework question on SO. I would recommend turning in something similar to what I recommended above as that is well within a new person's capability.
library IEEE ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
entity TwoClockOneProcess is
end entity TwoClockOneProcess ;
architecture test of TwoClockOneProcess is
signal Clk1, Clk2 : std_logic := '1' ;
constant PERIOD_1 : time := 8 ns ;
constant DUTY_CYCLE_1 : real := 0.5 ;
constant PERIOD_2 : time := 5 ns ;
constant DUTY_CYCLE_2 : real := 0.75 ;
ClockProc : process
procedure LocalClock(
signal Clk : inout std_logic ;
constant Period : in time ;
constant DutyCycle : in real
) is
Clk <= transport '0' after Period * DutyCycle, '1' after Period ;
end procedure LocalClock ;
Clk1 <= '1' ;
LocalClock(Clk1, PERIOD_1, DUTY_CYCLE_1) ;
Clk2 <= '1' ;
LocalClock(Clk2, PERIOD_2, DUTY_CYCLE_2) ;
wait on Clk1, Clk2 ;
if rising_edge(Clk1) then
LocalClock(Clk1, PERIOD_1, DUTY_CYCLE_1) ;
end if ;
if rising_edge(Clk2) then
LocalClock(Clk2, PERIOD_2, DUTY_CYCLE_2) ;
end if ;
end loop ;
end process ClockProc ;
end architecture test ;
得分: 0
architecture test of two_clocks_in_one_process is
signal clocks : std_logic_vector(1 to 2) := "00";
constant delays : time_vector(clocks'range) := (10 ns, 20 ns);
constant high_widths : time_vector(clocks'range) := (200 ns, 50 ns);
constant periods : time_vector(clocks'range) := (400 ns, 100 ns);
clock_driver : process is
variable next_event : time_vector(clocks'range) := delays;
wait for minimum(next_event) - now;
for idx in clocks'range loop
if now = next_event(idx) then
clocks(idx) <= '1', '0' after high_widths(idx);
next_event(idx) := now + periods(idx);
end if;
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;
I would agree with Jim on the simpler approach but here is an alternative for scheduling all events from one process that scales well if there are many clocks:
architecture test of two_clocks_in_one_process is
signal clocks : std_logic_vector(1 to 2) := "00";
constant delays : time_vector(clocks'range) := (10 ns, 20 ns);
constant high_widths : time_vector(clocks'range) := (200 ns, 50 ns);
constant periods : time_vector(clocks'range) := (400 ns, 100 ns);
clock_driver : process is
variable next_event : time_vector(clocks'range) := delays;
wait for minimum(next_event) - now;
for idx in clocks'range loop
if now = next_event(idx) then
clocks(idx) <= '1', '0' after high_widths(idx);
next_event(idx) := now + periods(idx);
end if;
end loop;
end process;
end architecture;