
huangapple go评论89阅读模式

Strategy/algorithm to divide fair teams based on Elo and team request





尽可能满足队伍请求,如果有些玩家无法满足他们的队伍请求,那么这些请求应该是随机的。 (例如,如果每个人都发送了一个队伍请求,不是所有请求都可以得到满足,因为队伍是由5人组成的)。


玩家1:1200ELO 队伍请求:玩家3
玩家2:1300ELO 队伍请求:-
玩家3:1000ELO 队伍请求:玩家1
玩家4:900ELO 队伍请求:玩家7
玩家5:1500ELO 队伍请求:-
玩家6:1400ELO 队伍请求:-
玩家7:1000ELO 队伍请求:玩家4
玩家8:800ELO 队伍请求:-
玩家40:1400ELO 队伍请求:-


  • 按ELO积分对参与者排序
  • 从最高分的玩家开始,将他们放入第1队,然后放入第2队,直到所有队伍都有1名成员
  • 选择下一个最高分的玩家,但将他们分配到第8队,第7队,第6队......当你到达1队时,再反向分配
  • 当你到达最后一行时,从第8队重新开始,而不是从第1队开始。



I am part of a team hosting regular events where each player has an elo which depends on how well he or she has played in previous events. These events have 40 players and the players get split into teams of 5. The events always fill up so there are always equally many players in every team.

We used to allow a team request for every player, put them together and then just randomized everyone else which could lead to unfair teams.

So, given the ELO of every player as well as a team request from some players (a team request is only valid if the two people request each other), what would be a good strategy to assign fair teams? (Perfectly fair teams would be when the average ELO of every team is the same.)

The team requests should be fulfilled as often as is possible, and if some players will not get their team requests then this should be from random. (For example, if everyone would send a in a team request not all could be upheld because there are teams of 5s).

For example, here are some players:

Player1: 1200Elo Team Req: Player 3
Player2: 1300Elo Team Req: -
Player3: 1000Elo Team Req: Player 1
Player4: 900ELO Team Req: Player7
Player5: 1500Elo Team Req: -
Player6: 1400Elo Team Req: -
Player7: 1000Elo Team Req: Player 4
Player8: 800Elo Team Req: -
Player40: 1400Elo Team Req: -

To sort them simply by ELO you could

  • order the participants by elo
  • Start with the highest and put them in team 1, next in team 2 until all the teams have 1 member
  • Take the next highest, but assign them to team 8, 7, 6... when you get to 1 reverse again
  • When you get to the last row start with team 8 again rather than 1.

But this doesn't take into account any team requests. How could I go by adding that?


得分: 1



  • main() 中的 n_generations=400(低值=更快的算法,高值=更好的团队)
  • score_function() 中的权重 return pref_score * 1 + elo_score * 1,以决定满足玩家偏好或拥有平衡团队哪个更重要
  • make_assignments() 中的 pool_size=100(低值=更快的算法,高值=更好的团队)
  • make_assignments() 中的 podium=10(必须介于0和pool_size // 2之间)
from random import shuffle, sample, choices
from statistics import mean, pvariance
from math import exp

n = 40
n_teams = 8
players_per_team = 5
assert(n == n_teams * players_per_team)

# 以下是代码的主要部分,不需要翻译
# ...

if __name__=='__main__':


[1627, 2343, 1683, 980, 1285, 826, 1307, 1682, 1488, 1504, 1627, 1948, 1390, 1204, 975, 1370, 1044, 1497, 1526, 1427, 1515, 1414, 1141, 764, 1844, 1451, 1864, 1379, 2072, 1210, 1683, 1006, 1030, 872, 985, 1016, 1512, 1203, 1442, 1015]

[(15, 26), (36, 20), (35, 16), (23, 39), (10, 22), (11, 3), (18, 6)]

[14, 28, 38, 33, 12] [975, 2072, 1442, 872, 1390] 1350.2
[11, 31, 3, 34, 17] [1948, 1006, 980, 985, 1497] 1283.2
{32, 5, 8, 15, 26} [1030, 826, 1488, 1370, 1864] 1315.6
[25, 2, 30, 21, 37] [1451, 1683, 1683, 1414, 1203] 1486.8
{1, 39, 10, 22, 23} [2343, 1015, 1627, 1141, 764] 1378
{6, 13, 18, 19, 29} [1307, 1204, 1526, 1427, 1210] 1334.8
{0, 35, 7, 9, 16} [1627, 1016, 1682, 1504, 1044] 1374.6
{4, 36, 20, 24, 27} [1285, 1512, 1515, 1844, 1379] 1507

I made a genetic algorithm to try solving your problem.

Parameters that you can toy with:

  • n_generations=400 in main() (low = faster algorithm, high = better teams)
  • The weights return pref_score * 1 + elo_score * 1 in score_function() to decide what is more important, satisfy the player preferences or have balanced teams
  • pool_size=100 in make_assignments() (low = faster algorithm, high = better teams)
  • podium=10 in make_assignments() (must be between 0 and pool_size // 2)
from random import shuffle, sample, choices
from statistics import mean, pvariance
from math import exp

n = 40
n_teams = 8
players_per_team = 5
assert(n == n_teams * players_per_team)

def random_teams_with_preferences(preferences):
    players = list(range(n))
    teams = [players[players_per_team*team_number:players_per_team*(team_number+1)] for team_number in range(n_teams)]
    for u,v in preferences:
        u_team = next(i for i,t in enumerate(teams) if u in t)
        v_team = next(i for i,t in enumerate(teams) if v in t)
        if u_team != v_team:
            w = next(w for w in teams[u_team] if w!=u)
            teams[u_team] = (set(teams[u_team]) | {v}) - {w}
            teams[v_team] = (set(teams[v_team]) | {w}) - {v}
    return teams

def init_pool(pool_size, preferences=[]):
    return [random_teams_with_preferences(preferences) for _ in range(pool_size)]

def score_function(teams, players_elo, preferences):
    satisfied_preferences = 0
    for u,v in preferences:
        team = next(team for team in teams if u in team or v in team)
        if u in team and v in team:
            satisfied_preferences += 1
    pref_score = 100 * (satisfied_preferences / len(preferences) if preferences else 1)
    combined_elos = [mean(players_elo

for p in team) for team in teams] elo_score = (500000 - pvariance(combined_elos)) / 5000 return pref_score * 1 + elo_score * 1 def make_child(teams): t1, t2 = sample(range(len(teams)), k=2) p1, p2 = choices(range(players_per_team), k=2) new_teams = [

for team in teams] new_teams[t1][p1], new_teams[t2][p2] = new_teams[t2][p2], new_teams[t1][p1] return new_teams def make_assignments(players_elo, preferences, n_generations=10): podium=10 pool = init_pool(pool_size=100, preferences=preferences) score = lambda x: score_function(x, players_elo, preferences) scored_pool = sorted(((score(teams), teams) for teams in pool), reverse=True) for _ in range(n_generations): children1 = [make_child(teams) for _,teams in scored_pool[:-podium]] children2 = [make_child(teams) for _,teams in scored_pool[:-podium]] new_pool = [ choices((p, c1, c2), weights=(exp(s),exp(score(c1)),exp(score(c2))))[0] for (s,p),c1,c2 in zip(scored_pool, children1, children2) ] + [t for _,t in scored_pool[:podium]] scored_pool = sorted(((score(teams), teams) for teams in pool), reverse=True) return scored_pool def random_preferences(k): players = list(range(n)) result = [] for _ in range(k): u,v = sample(players, 2) result.append((u,v)) players = [x for x in players if x not in (u,v)] return result def main(): players_elo = [1627, 2343, 1683, 980, 1285, 826, 1307, 1682, 1488, 1504, 1627, 1948, 1390, 1204, 975, 1370, 1044, 1497, 1526, 1427, 1515, 1414, 1141, 764, 1844, 1451, 1864, 1379, 2072, 1210, 1683, 1006, 1030, 872, 985, 1016, 1512, 1203, 1442, 1015] assert(len(players_elo) == n) preferences = random_preferences(7) print('PLAYERS:', players_elo, sep='\n', end='\n\n') print('PREFERENCES:', preferences, sep='\n', end='\n\n') scored_pool = make_assignments(players_elo, preferences, n_generations=400) score, teams = scored_pool[0] print('TEAMS:') for team in teams: print(team, end=' ') elos = [players_elo

for p in team] print(elos, mean(elos)) print() if __name__=='__main__': main()


[1627, 2343, 1683, 980, 1285, 826, 1307, 1682, 1488, 1504, 1627, 1948, 1390, 1204, 975, 1370, 1044, 1497, 1526, 1427, 1515, 1414, 1141, 764, 1844, 1451, 1864, 1379, 2072, 1210, 1683, 1006, 1030, 872, 985, 1016, 1512, 1203, 1442, 1015]
[(15, 26), (36, 20), (35, 16), (23, 39), (10, 22), (11, 3), (18, 6)]
[14, 28, 38, 33, 12] [975, 2072, 1442, 872, 1390] 1350.2
[11, 31, 3, 34, 17] [1948, 1006, 980, 985, 1497] 1283.2
{32, 5, 8, 15, 26} [1030, 826, 1488, 1370, 1864] 1315.6
[25, 2, 30, 21, 37] [1451, 1683, 1683, 1414, 1203] 1486.8
{1, 39, 10, 22, 23} [2343, 1015, 1627, 1141, 764] 1378
{6, 13, 18, 19, 29} [1307, 1204, 1526, 1427, 1210] 1334.8
{0, 35, 7, 9, 16} [1627, 1016, 1682, 1504, 1044] 1374.6
{4, 36, 20, 24, 27} [1285, 1512, 1515, 1844, 1379] 1507

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月15日 20:07:17
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76482308.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
