isPrime(n) 如果迭代到 sqrt(n) 的运行复杂度是什么?

huangapple go评论43阅读模式

What is the runtime complexity of isPrime(n) if you iterate up to sqrt(n)



What would the Big O for the following method?

boolean isPrime( num )
i = 2
while i <= sqrt(num)
if num % i == 0
return false
i += 1
return true

My thought is `O(sqrt(n))`, which isn&#39;t a typical answer. 

Below are a couple of tables to clarify my reasoning:

In this table, every time N is quadrupled, the number of iterations only doubles:

| N    | iterations = sqrt(N) |
| 4    |   2                  |
| 16   |   4                  |
| 64   |   8                  |
| 256  |   16                 |
| 1024 |   32                 |

To contrast this behavior with a linear function,
if we looped **while i &lt;= num/2** instead, the table would be:

| N    |  iterations = N/2 |
| 4    |    2              |
| 16   |    8              |
| 64   |    32             |
| 256  |    128            |
| 1024 |    512            |

Now every time N is quadrupled, the number of iterations also quadruples. 
I.e. the runtime varies directly with N.

What would the Big O for the following method?

boolean isPrime( num )
    i = 2
    while  i &lt;= sqrt(num)
        if num % i == 0
            return false
        i += 1
    return true

My thought is O(sqrt(n)), which isn't a typical answer.

Below are a couple of tables to clarify my reasoning:

In this table, every time N is quadrupled, the number of iterations only doubles.

N iterations = sqrt(N)
4 2
16 4
64 8
256 16
1024 32

To contrast this behavior with a linear function,
if we looped while i <= num/2 instead, the table would be:

N iterations = N/2
4 2
16 8
64 32
256 128
1024 512

Now every time N is quadrupled, the number of iterations also quadruples.
I.e. the runtime varies directly with N.


得分: 2

你是对的 - 检查到√n会给你更好的复杂性。如果你定义num = n并假设取模运算是常数时间,那么你的时间复杂度是正确的。

这不是一个'典型答案',正如你所说,通常我们根据输入的大小来衡量时间复杂度。要将num编码为二进制,我们需要log2(num)位(以及其他任何非平凡的基数也是如此),所以实际输入大小为n = log2(num)

如果我们以这种方式定义n,那么你会发现num = O(2n),因此你的总时间复杂度变为O(√(2n))O(20.5n)




You are right - checking up to √n gives you a much better complexity. And if you define num = n and assume the modulo operator is constant time, then your time complexity is correct.

The reason this is not a 'typical answer', as you state, is that typically we measure time complexity on the size of the input. To encode num in binary, we need log<sub>2</sub>(num) bits (and similarly with any other nontrivial base) so the actual input size is n = log<sub>2</sub>(num).

If we define n this way, then you will find that num = O(2<sup>n</sup>), so your overall time complexity becomes O(√(2<sup>n</sup>)) or O(2<sup>0.5n</sup>).

However, this is not more correct than your expression, it is just a more common (and more useful) way to express it, and it might clarify why your answer doesn't seem typical when you search.

Ultimately what matters is that you define your n. If you don't, it is probably assumed by the reader that it's the logarithm of num and they might think you falsely claim your algorithm is the fastest in the world.

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