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Integer hash function for concurrent map implementation golang




  1. // GetShard returns shard under given key
  2. func (m ConcurrentMap[V]) GetShard(key int64) *ConcurrentMapShared[V] {
  3. // 我假设Go的映射哈希函数已经足够好了
  4. return m[key%int64(SHARD_COUNT)]
  5. }

当我运行这段代码时,在GetShard函数中的返回行上出现了panic: runtime error: index out of range [-7]的错误。




所以我应该将上面的GetShard方法更改为这样 -

  1. // GetShard returns shard under given key
  2. func (m ConcurrentMap) GetShard(key int64) *ConcurrentMapShared {
  3. var h maphash.Hash
  4. // 在这里我应该传递什么种子值?
  5. h.SetSeed(seed)
  6. binary.Write(&h, binary.LittleEndian, key)
  7. return m[h.Sum64()%uint64(SHARD_COUNT)]
  8. }

I am using concurrent map from this repo which only uses string as the key and it doesn't have any implementation for key as integer so I tried implementing it by just replacing all string into int64 and modify the hashing function.

Here is the gist for that where key is integer. Below is how I am hashing int64 keys. Is this the right way to hash an int64 to get the right shard?

  1. // GetShard returns shard under given key
  2. func (m ConcurrentMap[V]) GetShard(key int64) *ConcurrentMapShared[V] {
  3. // I assume the hashing function of Go's map is good enough
  4. return m[key%int64(SHARD_COUNT)]
  5. }

When I run this code I am getting - panic: runtime error: index out of range [-7] on my above return line in GetShard function.

Is there anything wrong in my hashing function implementation? Any example on what hashing algorithm to use here with my code will help me understand better.

Do I need to use murmurhash3 here on the key and then do mod on that? If yes, any example will be appreciated.


So I should change my above GetShard method to like this -

  1. // GetShard returns shard under given key
  2. func (m ConcurrentMap) GetShard(key int64) *ConcurrentMapShared {
  3. var h maphash.Hash
  4. // what is the seed value I should pass here?
  5. h.SetSeed(seed)
  6. binary.Write(&h, binary.LittleEndian, key)
  7. return m[h.Sum64()%uint64(SHARD_COUNT)]
  8. }


得分: 4


  1. m := xsync.NewMapOf[int64]()
  2. m.Store(1, "bar")
  3. v, ok := m.Load(1)


  1. // hashUint64使用给定的种子计算v的哈希值。
  2. //
  3. //lint:ignore U1000 在MapOf中使用
  4. func hashUint64[K IntegerConstraint](seed maphash.Seed, k K) uint64 {
  5. n := uint64(k)
  6. // Java的Long标准哈希函数。
  7. n = n ^ (n >> 32)
  8. nseed := *(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&seed))
  9. // boost的hash_combine的64位变体。
  10. nseed ^= n + 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15 + (nseed << 12) + (nseed >> 4)
  11. return nseed
  12. }

NewTypedMapOf[K comparable, V any](hasher func(maphash.Seed, K) uint64) *MapOf[K, V]使用。

> 键使用hasher函数哈希为uint64。
> 强烈建议使用hash/maphash来实现哈希函数。
> 参见示例


You can check out for comparison puzpuzpuz/xsync#Map

  1. m := xsync.NewMapOf[int64]()
  2. m.Store(1, &quot;bar&quot;)
  3. v, ok := m.Load(1)

Its hashUint64 calculates a hash of K (IntegerConstraint) with the given seed.

  1. // hashUint64 calculates a hash of v with the given seed.
  2. //
  3. //lint:ignore U1000 used in MapOf
  4. func hashUint64[K IntegerConstraint](seed maphash.Seed, k K) uint64 {
  5. n := uint64(k)
  6. // Java&#39;s Long standard hash function.
  7. n = n ^ (n &gt;&gt; 32)
  8. nseed := *(*uint64)(unsafe.Pointer(&amp;seed))
  9. // 64-bit variation of boost&#39;s hash_combine.
  10. nseed ^= n + 0x9e3779b97f4a7c15 + (nseed &lt;&lt; 12) + (nseed &gt;&gt; 4)
  11. return nseed
  12. }

Used by NewTypedMapOf[K comparable, V any](hasher func(maphash.Seed, K) uint64) *MapOf[K, V]

> Keys are hashed to uint64 using the hasher function.
> It is strongly recommended to use the hash/maphash package to implement hasher.
> See example.

  • 本文由 发表于 2022年11月4日 14:31:32
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/74312992.html



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