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Create a python venv that works on systems with no python installed








How do I setup a virtual environment in such a way that is can be used to call a python script, but doesn't need a system wide python.

My goal is it to have one folder with the python script in it and python itself in that folder as well with all the libs I need for that python script.

I've tried using pycharm to manage my venv, but the venv py charm creates needs a system wide python for the venv python to work. (I'm quite sure this is because of the pyvenv.cfg file which needs reference to a system wide python).

At the end of the day I don't care if I create the venv with pycharm or some other tool, I just want this to work. Any suggestions?

What I don't want, is to compile it to an executable.


得分: 1


The way to go is NOT through a virtual environment in this case.

I had to do it in the company I work - because some computers don't have internet.
我在我工作的公司中这样做 - 因为一些电脑没有互联网。

  1. create in you internet-connected computer a directory,
    into which you will install all the packages.
    Let's call it env.
    $ mkdir -p /path/to/env

  2. 在您连接互联网的计算机上创建一个目录,
    我们称之为 env
    $ mkdir -p /path/to/env

  3. When installing the required packages, add to pip install simply:
    -t /path/to/env (t for target directory)
    pip install -t /path/to/env packagename

  4. 在安装所需的软件包时,只需在 pip install 后面添加:
    -t /path/to/env (t 代表目标目录)
    pip install -t /path/to/env packagename

  5. Transfer your env folder to your offline computer (via usb or whatever)

  6. 将您的 env 文件夹传输到您的离线电脑(通过 USB 或其他方式)

  7. add /path/to/env to your PYTHONPATH environment variable
    In Linux or mac add to ~/.bashrc into its content:
    export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/env:$PYTHONPATH
    In Windows, add to your: $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts:
    $env:PYTHONPATH=C:/path/to/env;${$env:PYTHONPATH} (use ; as delimiter!)
    PYTHONPATH determines where your Python looks for packages.
    The order matters - from left to right it is searched through.

  8. /path/to/env 添加到您的 PYTHONPATH 环境变量中
    在 Linux 或 macOS 上,将其添加到 ~/.bashrc 中的内容中:
    export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/env:$PYTHONPATH
    在 Windows 中,添加到您的:$profile.CurrentUserAllHosts
    $env:PYTHONPATH=C:/path/to/env;${$env:PYTHONPATH}(使用 ; 作为分隔符!)
    PYTHONPATH 决定了 Python 查找软件包的位置。
    顺序很重要 - 从左到右进行搜索。

  9. source ~/.bashrc in Linux
    . $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts in Windows
    to make the entered changes be executed, thus valid.

  10. 在 Linux 中执行 source ~/.bashrc
    在 Windows 中执行 . $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts

Voila, now your Python will be able to find the packages in your folder!
现在,您的 Python 将能够在您的文件夹中找到软件包!

systemwide or non-systemwide python
系统范围的或非系统范围的 Python

I don't know - I didn't tried myself.
我不知道 - 我自己没有尝试过。

You can start a local python by just giving the
absolute path to the python.exe (windows) or python binary (linux/mac=unix-derived).

In unix-derived systems, you can do:

env PYTHONPATH=/path/to/env /path/to/python /path/to/script.py
使 PYTHONPATH 仅在此调用中有效。

In windows, you could do it using a function e.g. in PowerShell
在 Windows 中,您可以使用 PowerShell 中的函数来执行:

myscript () {
local PATH=/path/to/python;$env:PYTHON
local PYTHONPATH=/path/to/env
python /path/to/script.py



The way to go is NOT through a virtual environment in this case.
I had to do it in the company I work - because some computers don't have internet.

  1. create in you internet-connected computer a directory,
    into which you will install all the packages.
    Let's call it env.
    $ mkdir -p /path/to/env
  2. When installing the required packages, add to pip install simply:
    -t /path/to/env (t for target directory)
    pip install -t /path/to/env packagename
  3. Transfer your env folder to your offline computer (via usb or whatever)
  4. add /path/to/env to your PYTHONPATH environment variable
    In Linux or mac add to ~/.bashrc into its content:
    export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/env:$PYTHONPATH
    In Windows, add to your: $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts:
    $env:PYTHONPATH=C:/path/to/env;${$env:PYTHONPATH} (use ; as delimiter!)
    PYTHONPATH determines where your Python looks for packages.
    The order matters - from left to right it is searched through.
  5. source ~/.bashrc in Linux
    . $profile.CurrentUserAllHosts in Windows
    to make the entered changes be executed, thus valid.

Voila, now your Python will be able to find the packages in your folder!

systemwide or non-systemwide python

I don't know - I didn't tried myself.

You can start a local python by just giving the
absolute path to the python.exe (windows) or python binary (linux/mac=unix-derived).

In unix-derived systems, you can do:

env PYTHONPATH=/path/to/env /path/to/python /path/to/script.py

to make the PYTHONPATH only valid for this call.

In windows, you could do it using a function e.g. in PowerShell

myscript () {
  local PATH=/path/to/python;$env:PYTHON
  local PYTHONPATH=/path/to/env
  python /path/to/script.py


Then, outside the function, the variable stays unchanged.


得分: 0

答案很简单,虚拟环境不适合这种情况。可移植/嵌入式 Python 是正确的选择。视频链接在这里:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8kgu74jERM


The answer is simply, virtual environments are the wrong thing for this situation. Portable/ embedded Python is the correct thing. A video to that here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8kgu74jERM

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年3月31日 20:17:59
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/75898453.html



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
