已弃用的Java EE在JDK 9及以后的版本中。

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Deprecated Java EE in JDK 9 and later versions


我想知道为什么JDK 9不再具有Java EE版本。我正在阅读,自从JDK 9版本不再具有Java EE后,Java EE自己的功能将会显示为已弃用。你知道如何解决这个问题吗?


I want to know why JDK 9 no longer has the Java EE version. I was reading that since the JDK 9 version no longer has Java EE, then Java EE's own functions would appear as deprecated. Do you know how to solve this problem?


得分: 4

> 我想知道为什么JDK 9不再有JAVA EE版本。

Java EE / J2EE从未包含在Java SE发布(JDK / JRE)中。尽管版本编号相似,但这在很大程度上是一个“营销策略”。当然,SE和EE的发布周期并不相同。

无论如何,Oracle已经将Java EE的控制权移交给了Eclipse基金会;详见《Jakarta EE 8:解析Java EE的新时代》

> 我在阅读,Java EE自己的功能将会被标记为弃用。

如果有人真的写了Java EE已经死了或者“被弃用”,那么他们是错误的。(或者至少,他们的信息已经过时了。)

  1. Java EE现在已经成为Jakarta EE,并且Jakarta EE有一个明确的未来(参见上面的链接)
  2. 即使它没有明确的未来,也不能算作弃用。

> 你知道如何解决这个问题吗?


实际情况是,Oracle对Java EE失去了兴趣<sup>1</sup>,并且在Oracle的管理下,进展几乎停滞不前。Jakarta EE实际上是一个重新启动。

虽然预测未来是困难的,但有理由相信,无论是Java/Jakata EE供应商还是Java EE/Jakata用户,在新模式下都会有所改善。首次测试将是即将推出的Jakarta EE 9版本,计划于2020年8月/9月发布。(请查看Jakarta EE 9主页以获取有关时间表的最新消息。)


<sup>1 - Java EE / Jakarta EE本质上是一套规范。编写和维护高质量的规范是昂贵的。由于Oracle没有任何重要的(盈利的)Java EE产品,Oracle管理层决定不再继续投资Java的这个方面。将控制权移交给其他组织是负责任的决定。重命名是出于法律原因的必要举措,例如保护Oracle的Java商标。</sup>


> I want to know why JDK 9 no longer has the JAVA EE version.

Java EE / J2EE was never part of Java SE releases (JDK / JRE). While the version numbering was similar, this was largely a "marketing thing". Certainly the SE and EE release cycles were not the same.

Anyway, Oracle has passed control of Java EE over to the Eclipse Foundation; see Jakarta EE 8: The new era of Java EE explained

> I was reading that java ee's own functions would appear as deprecated.

If someone actually wrote that Java EE is dead or "deprecated", they are incorrect. (Or at least, they are out of date.)

  1. Java EE has now become Jakarta EE, and Jakarta EE has a clear future (see link above)
  2. Even if it didn't have a clear future, that wouldn't amount to deprecation.

> Do you know how to solve this problem?

I don't think there is a problem to solve.

The reality is that Oracle had lost interest in Java EE<sup>1</sup>, and progress under Oracle's stewardship had ground to a virtual halt. Jakarta EE is effectively a reboot.

While predicting the future is difficult, there are reasons to believe that both Java/Jakata EE vendors and Java EE/Jakata users will be better of with the new model. The first test will be the upcoming Jakarta EE 9 release which is scheduled for August / September 2020. (Check the Jakarta EE 9 home page for the latest news on the schedule.)

This Eclipse newsletter from last year gives a taster of what should be in the release:

<sup>1 - Java EE / Jakarta EE is essentially a set of specifications. Writing and maintaining high quality specifications is expensive. Since Oracle didn't have any significant (money making) Java EE products, Oracle management decided that it was not worth continuing to invest in that aspect of Java. Passing control to an other organization was the responsible thing to do. The renaming was necessary for legal reasons; e.g. protecting Oracle's Java trademark.</sup>

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月16日 23:17:19
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63438526.html



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