JPA – 实体的属性类型取决于列的值

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JPA - An entity's property type depends on a column value



  1. Node
  2. ----
  3. id(非空整数)
  4. fKey(可空的最大长度字符串)
  5. refTable(可空的最大长度字符串)

fkeyrefTable 主键的值。refTable 包含以下值之一:CarTruckBoat。我的节点实体目前如下:

  1. @Entity
  2. @Data
  3. public class Node {
  4. @Id
  5. private Long id;
  6. @Column(name = "fKey")
  7. private String foreignKey;
  8. @Column(name = "refTable")
  9. private String targetTable;
  10. }

但是我希望当 targetTableCar 时,节点实体引用一个 Car 实体。类似于这样:

  1. @Entity
  2. @Data
  3. public class Node {
  4. @Id
  5. private Long id;
  6. @ManyToOne
  7. @JoinColumn(name = "carId")
  8. private Car car;
  9. // 对于 truck 和 boat,这里也可以有,并且在 refTable 引用 Car 时为 null
  10. }



I'm working with a 3rd party database with the following table:

  1. Node
  2. ----
  3. id (int not null)
  4. fKey (varchar(max) null)
  5. refTable (varchar(max) null)

fkey is the value of the primary key of refTable. refTable contains one the following values Car, Truck, or Boat. My node entity currently looks like:

  1. @Entity
  2. @Data
  3. public class Node {
  4. @Id
  5. private Long id;
  6. @Column(name = "fKey")
  7. private String foreignKey;
  8. @Column(name = "refTable")
  9. private String targetTable;
  10. }

But I'd prefer the node entity refer to a Car entity when targetTable is Car. Something like this:

  1. @Entity
  2. @Data
  3. public class Node {
  4. @Id
  5. private Long id;
  6. @ManyToOne
  7. @JoinColumn(name = "carId")
  8. private Car car;
  9. // ok with having truck and boat
  10. // here too and being null when refTable refers to Car
  11. }

How can I set up this mapping?


得分: 1


  1. @Entity
  2. @Data
  3. @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
  4. @DiscriminatorColumn(name = "refTable")
  5. public class Node {
  6. @Id
  7. private Long id;
  8. }


  1. @Entity
  2. @Data
  3. @DiscriminatorValue("Car")
  4. public class CarNode extends Node {
  5. @ManyToOne
  6. @JoinColumn(name = "fKey")
  7. private Car car;
  8. }



A better aproach would be to use inheritance. You should turn your Node class the MainClass and inherit from it to Car, Truck and Boat

  1. @Entity
  2. @Data
  3. @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
  4. @DiscriminatorColumn(name = refTable”)
  5. public class Node {
  6. @Id
  7. private Long id;
  8. }

Your subclassed implementation should look like

  1. @Entity
  2. @Data
  3. @DiscriminatorValue(“Car”)
  4. public class CarNode extends Node {
  5. @ManyToOne
  6. @JoinColumn(name = "fKey")
  7. private Car car;
  8. }

The same for Truck and Boat. Your query for Nodes would return you CarNodes, TruckNodes or BoatNodes

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月26日 02:08:46
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