英文: is "Wait for callback" pattern in AWS step functions the only way to perform async tas...
MS Teams连接器(Incoming WebHook)URL的过期/更新频率是多久?
英文: How often does the MS Teams connector (Incoming WebHook) URL expire/update? 问题 在MS Teams中有3个频道,每...
Error with sending message using discord webhook
英文: Error with sending message using discord webhook 问题 我想在C++ libcurl中使用Discord webhook发送消息。所以我写了这个...
WhatsApp WebHook 被某人调用时,我如何从 WebHook 返回响应?
英文: WhatsApp WebHook is called by someone how do I return a response from the WebHook? 问题 我对WhatsApp...
英文: Why are the validations of signatures different? 问题 export function verifyCloseSignature( reques...
Shopify HMAC验证在Webhook实现中失败。
英文: Shopify HMAC verification failing in webhook implementation 问题 我正在开发一个Shopify应用程序。我试图使用这个函数来验证在应...
将支付拆分给用户使用Stripe Connect和PaymentIntents – 余额不足错误
英文: Splitting Payments Between Users Using Stripe Connect and PaymentIntents - Insufficient Balance ...
英文: Telegram bot using google apps script doesn't work 问题 这是我的代码: var apiToken = "token"...
Stripe Webhook没有执行回调。是我漏掉了什么吗?
英文: Stripe webhook doesn't execute callback. Or am I missing something? 问题 以下是您要翻译的部分: 我在Next.js...
如何使用Telebot API或Telegram API发送消息到Telegram机器人。
英文: How to send message to a telegram bot using telebot api or telegram api 问题 目前,我已在Telegram中创建了一个机...