英文: Create a separator 问题 我想要在每次执行此代码后创建一个有颜色的行,以在每次执行之间或者为最后一节着色。 在下面的代码中,如何创建一个有颜色的空行以在操作结束时? Sub ...
VBA – 是否可以声明一个变体数组,其中的元素具有不同类的数据类型
英文: VBA - Is it possible to declare a Variant array whose elements have the data types of different ...
在Excel VBA中将文本框的值设置为多个其他文本框的总和:
英文: Setting the value of a textbox in Excel VBA to be the sum of multiple other textbox's 问题 我有多...
In Excel using VBA code, is there a way to conditionally hide/unhide rows based on 1 cell, and then hide/unhide rows in a table based on another cell?
英文: In Excel using VBA code, is there a way to conditionally hide/unhide rows based on 1 cell, and t...
英文: VBA Saving formulas to non-macro enabled sheet without original sheet reference 问题 我有一个宏工作簿,用于向工...
英文: Shape.OLEFormat and its position in the excel sheet 问题 我想创建一个简单的宏,只需检查复选框是否选中,根据情况隐藏或显示行。 但有一些问题...
英文: VBA code to copy worksheet from a closed workbook on Sharepoint to current workbook 问题 我正在尝试创建一个...
VBA: Array/Ubound 有时有效 – 不总是返回完整数组
英文: VBA: Array/Ubound sometimes working - not always returning full array 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: "Code:...
VBA Outlook宏,根据主题行或收件人的姓氏附加特定文件到发送的电子邮件。
英文: VBA Outlook Macro to attach a specific file to an outgoing email based on Subject line or Recipi...
VBA Visio aligning object to the middle
英文: VBA Visio aligning object to the middle 问题 I have problems with assigning the 2 or more vision o...