英文: Iterate over keys in VBA and print them in cells 问题 我想遍历字典的键并将它们放入单元格。 我尝试过这样做: Dim dic1 As Obje...
英文: How to use VBA to loop through list and turn into columns? 问题 I am trying to figure out how I ca...
英文: How can one update non-default mailbox contacts with a distribution list? 问题 Here are the transl...
英文: reload the form with a button in access forms 问题 我有一个访问表单(仅编辑表单)。它有一个OnLoad事件,将仅显示一个组合框供用户选择,然后通...
after the matched cell, search in the succeeding rows for a value with specific string and return the value
英文: after the matched cell, search in the succeeding rows for a value with specific string and retur...
英文: How do I open then activate a document 问题 My VBA is no longer supporting the code that was worki...
英文: Best option for control flow in VBA? 问题 我正在更新一个宏,需要帮助处理控制流。我不是专业的程序员,所以控制流是我之前没有遇到过的东西。 当前版本的宏工作...
英文: VBA Toggle Button referencing in Visio 问题 抱歉,您的请求已被理解。以下是翻译后的内容: 抱歉,可能是一个简单的问题,但... 我正在尝试在VBA中格式...
Excel RibbonX 下拉菜单 OnAction 错误,无法被调用
英文: Excel RibbonX Dropdown OnAction Error, can't be called 问题 I understand your request. Here is...
在电子邮件 Lotus Notes 中添加 HTML 签名。
英文: Add HTML signature in email Lotus Notes 问题 I am currently struggling with adding my HTML signatu...