英文: How to use a Spark UDF that takes an array of struct as an argument in order to build a new colu...
Why I get a "Syntax error:L compilation error: (line …" when trying to create a SNOWFLAKE UDTF which use IDENTIFIER function?
英文: Why I get a "Syntax error:L compilation error: (line ..." when trying to create a SNOW...
英文: Change number format to remove parentheses 问题 我有一个简短的UDF,用于创建一个时间标记。它读取的数据格式如下:"03/11/2004 ...
英文: Snowflake UDF with Array Input Parameter 问题 我正在Snowflake中创建一个新的SQL UDF,UDF已成功创建。但是当我在调用UDF时传递值时,...
如何在 TVF 中的视图上使用 FOR SYSTEM_TIME 子句?
英文: How to use FOR SYSTEM_TIME clause on a view in a TVF? 问题 我正在尝试在一个包含系统版本表的视图上使用FOR SYSTEM_TIME子句,...
如何创建用于DolphinDB中SQL WHERE子句的UDF?
英文: How to create a UDF used for a SQL where clause in DolphinDB? 问题 我已经创建了一个UDF并在where子句中使用它,如下图所示。...
英文: Why is my user-defined function not being read in my main function? 问题 我遇到了一个问题,我的用户定义函数无法在主函数中读...
FOR循环 – 仅在函数的第一次迭代中提供结果。
英文: FOR Loop -only giving result for 1st iteration in function 问题 FOR循环仅在第一次迭代时给出结果,然后停止,不显示任何错误, 在查...
Pine Script支持在表格内调用用户函数吗?
英文: Does Pine Script support calling a user function inside a table? 问题 I have a table in Pine Scrip...
Is SQL Server able to reuse execution plans for functions when types differ in a meaningless way? Or is that only true of stored procedures?
英文: Is SQL Server able to reuse execution plans for functions when types differ in a meaningless way...