
huangapple go评论75阅读模式

Change number format to remove parentheses


我有一个简短的UDF,用于创建一个时间标记。它读取的数据格式如下:"03/11/2004 16:00:00"。UDF仅在没有括号时有效,即:"03/11/2004 16:00:00",那么如何让它移除括号(而不覆盖源数据)或更改数字格式以符合我的需求?

Function TimeMark(xtime, delay)
    Dim H As Integer, M As Integer, S As Integer, D As Integer, Mon As Integer, Y As Integer
    xtime = xtime + delay / 24
    S = 0
    M = 0
    H = Hour(xtime)
    D = Day(xtime)
    Mon = Month(xtime)
    Y = Year(xtime)
    TimeMark = TimeSerial(H, M, S) + DateSerial(Y, Mon, D)
End Function

I have a short UDF which creates a time mark. The data it reads is in the following format: "(03/11/2004 16:00:00)".
The UDF only works without the parentheses i.e. "03/11/2004 16:00:00" so how can I get it to remove the parentheses (without overwriting the source data) or change the number format to what i need?

Function TimeMark(xtime, delay)
    Dim H As Integer, M As Integer, S As Integer, D As Integer, Mon As Integer, Y As Integer
    xtime = xtime + delay / 24
    S = 0
    M = 0
    H = Hour(xtime)
    D = Day(xtime)
    Mon = Month(xtime)
    Y = Year(xtime)
    TimeMark = TimeSerial(H, M, S) + DateSerial(Y, Mon, D)

End Function


得分: 1


Public Function TimeMark(ByVal xtime As String, ByVal delay As Double) As Date

    TimeMark = CDate(Replace(Replace(xtime, "(", ""), ")", "")) + delay / 24

End Function

Combine input from @CHill60 and @ToddlesonA and you have a one-liner:

Public Function TimeMark(ByVal xtime As String, ByVal delay As Double) As Date

    TimeMark = CDate(Replace(Replace(xtime, "(", ""), ")", "")) + delay / 24

End Function


得分: 0

使用 Mid() 函数来移除括号,使用 DateValue 函数来提取日期数值。

' 此函数接受一个表示时间的字符串和一个延迟(以小时为单位),
' 并返回一个时间标记,即原始时间加上延迟。
Function TimeMark(xtime As String, delay As Double)

    Dim Result As Date ' 存储结果日期
    ' 通过移除字符串的第一个和最后一个字符来提取时间,
    ' 并将其转换为日期/时间类型。这里的假设是 xtime
    ' 包含在附加字符中的时间字符串(例如,括号)。
    ' 如果 xtime 是 "(12:30)",那么 Result 变成 "12:30"。
    Result = Mid(xtime, 2, Len(xtime) - 2)
    ' 将延迟添加到结果时间。
    ' 延迟除以 24 以将其从小时转换为一天的一部分,
    ' 因为在 VBA 中,日期变量的整数部分表示天数。
    ' 结果是新的时间标记,即原始时间加上延迟。
    TimeMark = Result + delay / 24

End Function

Use Mid() to remove the parentheses and DateValue to extract the date value.

' This function takes a string representing a time and a delay (in hours), 
' and returns a time mark that is the original time plus the delay.
Function TimeMark(xtime As String, delay As Double)

    Dim Result As Date ' Holds the result date
    ' Extract the time from the string by removing the first and last character, 
    ' and convert it to a date/time type. The assumption here is that xtime 
    ' contains a time string enclosed in additional characters (e.g., brackets).
    ' If xtime is "(12:30)", then Result becomes "12:30".
    Result = Mid(xtime, 2, Len(xtime) - 2)
    ' Add the delay to the Result time. 
    ' The delay is divided by 24 to convert it from hours to a fraction of a day, 
    ' because in VBA, the integer part of a Date variable represents days.
    ' The Result is the new time mark that is the original time plus the delay.
    TimeMark = Result + delay / 24

End Function

  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月19日 22:48:50
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/76507762.html



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