英文: Where can I find the documentation for SyscallN, since syscall.Syscall6 has been deprecated as o...
英文: `os.OpenFile` with O_RDONLY hangs on named pipe with no writers 问题 我正在编写一个守护进程,该进程应该通过Unix命名管道接收...
英文: How does PING command find the required network interface? 问题 I'm using the ping command pretty ...
Using ‘read’系统调用函数从文件描述符检索数据会导致垃圾值。
英文: Retrieving data from a file descriptor using 'read' system call function results in garb...
英文: why does fdopen() modify the file permissions set by open() 问题 I am using a simple C program whe...
What is the proper way to convert Go func into an uintptr?
英文: What is the proper way to convert Go func into an uintptr? 问题 我需要在Go代码中传递和接收一个Go函数。 由于Go语言中系统调用的...
将文件的最后 ‘n’ 行以相反的顺序复制到另一个文件。
英文: Copy the last 'n' lines of a file to another file in reverse order 问题 我正在处理Ubuntu中的系统调用,...
英文: Error while trying to call JetAttachDatabase from ESENT.dll in Golang 问题 我正在尝试在Golang中使用"ES...
英文: setgid/setuid has no effect on compiled golang code 1.19 问题 以下是翻译的内容: ➜ go version go version go...
为什么在 Go 程序中,personality(2) 的返回值有时会不正确?
英文: Why is the return value of personality(2) in a Go program sometimes incorrect? 问题 我已经写了一个Go程序,通过...