英文: Java Looking for specific letters in a sting 问题 以下是您的代码的翻译部分: 我在想如何迭代遍历一个字符串并检查有多少个 "hi"...
英文: Compare two sentences and check if they have a similar word 问题 两个句子中的共同单词是 "test"。 英文:...
英文: Java: Read a File & Split a line into separate string 问题 I understand your request. Here's t...
英文: Sending a string after a file on the same socket 问题 I'm sending a string over the socket I previ...
Is there an efficient way to detect if a string contains a substring which is in a large set of characteristic strings?
英文: Is there an efficient way to detect if a string contains a substring which is in a large set of ...
英文: How to append a sentence with prefix and suffix in java? 问题 我正在尝试读取一个包含以下内容的输入文件: input.txt Hell...
在Android Studio中如何使句子中的单词倾斜?
英文: How to italic a word in sentence on Android studio? 问题 I'm new at developing an Android app. I w...
英文: Split string on multiple white space not on single space? 问题 我正在从文本文件中读取文本并将其保存到数据库中。数据排列得像一个虚拟的...
英文: How do I remove all whitespaces from a string? 问题 I'm trying to remove all whitespaces from a st...
英文: How to split a string (based on a variety of delimiters) but without keeping whitespace? 问题 你可以使...