英文: Get/guess unverified contract's external methods 问题 有没有办法获取或猜测智能合约的外部(或公共)函数,如果它没有经过验证? 我已经使...
Nft Minter Dapp – 无法铸造NFT
英文: Nft Minter Dapp - Unable to mint the nft 问题 I hard coded a NFT-minter dApp. I tried minting it o...
How can I test gas usage in a Solidity smart contract with an array of 1 million items using a testing library?
英文: How can I test gas usage in a Solidity smart contract with an array of 1 million items using a t...
英文: How Does Solidity Constructor Syntax Work? 问题 I'm having trouble understanding the syntax of the...
英文: How does this type casting msg.sender to uint32 work? 问题 In the provided code, casting msg.sende...
Sending less than 1 ether to verified smart contract.
英文: Sending less than 1 ether to verified smart contract 问题 我正在尝试创建一个可支付的函数,允许发送小于1以太的金额。在Remix中,我可以...
英文: Why does `eth_estimateGas` on Hedera return an unexpectedly high value? 问题 我知道eth_estimateGas不是精...
Hedera上几乎相同交易中`gasUsed`值的巨大差异 – 为什么?
英文: Large discrepancy in `gasUsed` values in near-identical transactions on Hedera - why? 问题 以下是翻译好的...
How to use hyperledger caliper with quorum blockchain ? i didn't undrestand how it works and i looked for a tutoriol but i didn't found, i use linux
英文: How to use hyperledger caliper with quorum blockchain ? i didn't undrestand how it works and...
英文: Can I make this transaction on behalf of someone else as a contract owner? 问题 Here is the transl...