英文: Contract balance was drained. Interesting a way how it was done 问题 我刚刚开始深入研究智能合约。为了学习的最佳方式,除了阅读文...
如何修复 Solidity 中的 ‘Migrations hit an invalid opcode while deploying’ 错误?
英文: How do I fix 'Migrations hit an invalid opcode while deploying' error in Solidity? 问题 &q...
英文: "Migrations" hit an invalid opcode while deploying 问题 I have suddenly started getting ...
Hardhat测试 – 即使与合约抛出的错误匹配,revertedWithCustomError也失败了。
英文: Hardhat testing - revertedWithCustomError fails even though it matches the error thrown from con...
英文: Is there a way to change the owner of a smart contract? 问题 I've translated the content as reques...
传递 uint256 数组参数
英文: Passing argument of uint256 array 问题 在Solidity中,将uint256数组传递给函数时,应该使用以下格式: - ["5000000000000...
英文: transaction underpriced error occured whever i tried to run the below code 问题 const tx = { nonce...
Remix: 返回错误: {“jsonrpc”:”2.0″,”error”:”无效的操作码: PUSH0″, “id”:2405507186007008}
英文: Remix: Returned error: {"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":"invalid opco...
对Solidity不熟悉 – 需要帮助解决编译智能合约时的ParserError。
英文: New to Solidity - Need Help Troubleshooting ParserError When Compiling Smart Contract 问题 I tried...
“BLUR空投认领解释 – 将证明嵌入交易中”
英文: BLUR airdrop claim explained - embedding a proof into a transaction 问题 最近,我看到Blur有一个依赖于Twitter的空...