How to use hyperledger caliper with quorum blockchain ? i didn't undrestand how it works and i looked for a tutoriol but i didn't found, i use linux

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How to use hyperledger caliper with quorum blockchain ? i didn't undrestand how it works and i looked for a tutoriol but i didn't found, i use linux


我尝试遵循此教程,该教程使用caliper与fabric,但我卡住了。我安装了docker版本23.0.4和docker-compose版本1.29.2,我安装了caliper v 0.3.2以及caliper-quorum@0.3.1,但我不知道如何使用它们以及运行基准测试的步骤是什么?


I am trying to figure out how to use Caliper to do benchmark testing in quorum blockchain network and I am getting nowhere.
I try to follow this tutoriel <> that used caliper with fabric but i got stuck, i installed docker version 23.0.4 and docker-compose version 1.29.2, i installed caliper v 0.3.2 and i installed caliper-quorum@0.3.1, but i don't know how to use them and what are the steps to run a benchmark?


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我建议,除非你能提出问题给caliper-quorum插件的作者,了解他们是如何使其工作的,并获取示例基准和所需的配置文件,否则你唯一的选择就是查看Caliper和caliper-quorum模块的代码,亲自尝试如何使其工作。通常我会建议使用Caliper的最新版本,但是Caliper 0.4引入了一种新的加载连接器的方式,因此它需要对你找到的npm模块进行大量的重新设计,以使其适应新的架构。所以你可能需要查看Caliper 0.3的代码库(现在非常古老且不受支持)。总之,这对你来说并不是一条容易的道路。


Hyperledger caliper has never supported Quorum. The package caliper-quorum appears to be someones personal project for a caliper connector. Caliper doesn't support the concept of dynamic connectors so you can't just install caliper and a supposed caliper connector and expect it to work, it would require changes to caliper itself to know of the existance of the connector. Whoever wrote that plugin probably made their own changes to caliper as well to make it work.

I would say that unless you can raise an issue with the author of the caliper-quorum plugin to find out how they made it work along with example benchmarks and configuration files required, then your only other choice is to look at the code for caliper and the code for the caliper-quorum module and work out yourself how to make it work. Normally I would recommend using the latest version of caliper but caliper 0.4 introduced a new way to load the connectors so it would require a lot of re-engineering of the npm module you found to work with the new architecture. So you probably would have to look at the caliper 0.3 code base (which is now very old and not supported). Surfice to say there is no easy path here for you.

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