英文: AWK - Recompiling $0 where the record is just spaces results in unexpected behavior 问题 AWK的默认&qu...
在子进程中接收 SIGTSTP 信号,不同的子进程表现会有所不同?
英文: enter SIGTSTP signal in child process, different child process behaves differently? 问题 I'm imple...
英文: How to quickly restore the cursor at the previous position were it was before the command execut...
Python 每秒读取文本文件,跳过每一行。
英文: Python reading text file every second line skipped 问题 f = open("sample_failing_file.txt"...
排除输出的 jq 键。
英文: jq exclude key for output 问题 { "I need to exclude field _class from this output:": &qu...
英文: Take an exam and paste in line 问题 I have some issue regarding data processing using shell script...
英文: Kill the running command when expected output is met 问题 以下是代码的翻译部分: 我有一个命令,它将执行一些操作并在屏幕上显示包含单词“c...
如何使用 [error] 头重定向标准错误?
英文: How can I redirect standard error with [error] head? 问题 我知道如何将标准错误输出到shell中的日志文件。 BACKUP_DIR=...
Explain BASH code line let RETVAL=$((RETVAL|$?)): 解释BASH代码行 let RETVAL=$((RETVAL|$?)):
英文: Explain BASH code line let RETVAL=$((RETVAL|$?)) 问题 我正在寻找对BASH中来自shell脚本的以下行的解释。我通常熟悉所有单个的内置命令和$...
英文: Starting a shell script in a new Terminal using python and get exit code 问题 I'm currently trying...