英文: how to select the auto popup hotel names in a hotel booking site in Selenium 问题 我正在努力自动化以下酒店预订网站...
I am getting this xpath error in eclipse , i think xpath is correct(1 of 1) but why am getting error
英文: I am getting this xpath error in eclipse , i think xpath is correct(1 of 1) but why am getting e...
英文: Call/Setup webdriver from DriverSetup.java file in the NameLocator file 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: 我无法在这里正确设...
英文: How to write xpath which have multiple values (two lines) in label 问题 我已经尝试过这个, //label[text()='...
使用Selenium WebDriver和Java点击复选框。
英文: Clicking checkboxes with Selenium WebDriver java 问题 我有些困难,无法让一些复选框被点击。通常的XPath不起作用,也没有ID。我已经附上了H...
英文: Selenium automation Page Loading is very Slow 问题 我正在使用ChromeDriver进行Selenium自动化测试。但与手动测试相比,网页加载速...
英文: Selenium:Both wait and get element when ready 问题 Instead of doing 2 steps: 等待直到元素准备好: wait.until...
英文: How to make a method return type as Callable<Boolean> 问题 在我的一个方法中: public void pageIsReady...
在Selenium Java中滚动到一个元素失败了。
英文: scrolling to an element failed in Selenium Java 问题 I am working on Firstcry .com website for aut...
My Chrome version is Version 84.0.4147.105 but available ChromeDriver version is Version 84.0.4147.30 causing an error to launch chrome using Selenium
英文: My Chrome version is Version 84.0.4147.105 but available ChromeDriver version is Version 84.0.41...