英文: Selenium C# select an element inside div 问题 以下是代码部分的翻译,不包括代码本身: WebElement element = (WebElement...
How to find the x path of an element when the python selenium script clicks a button which in turn opens in a new window (element is in new window)
英文: How to find the x path of an element when the python selenium script clicks a button which in tu...
使用Python和Selenium来导航Python – 无法找到链接?
英文: Using Python with Selenium to navigate Python - cannot find link? 问题 I am an accountant and very...
"Bad capabilities. Specify either app or appTopLevelWindow to create a session" Error given by the WinApp driver
英文: "Bad capabilities. Specify either app or appTopLevelWindow to create a session" Error ...
Python selenium获取图像源属性时返回”none”。
英文: Python selenium saying none when getting attribute for source of image 问题 我正在尝试使用Selenium获取类“KfF...
英文: How to scrape multiple web-pages that will translate them from English to Hindi using python? 问题...
Python Selenium: 等待弹出窗口
英文: python selenium: wait for popup window 问题 我遇到了使用Python Selenium等待弹出窗口的困难。如果我编写以下代码: from seleniu...
英文: Selenium sometimes selects the incorrect page feature 问题 我正在尝试从英国超市网站上抓取各种农产品的价格。在Asda网站上,有时我能够获...
英文: How to scrape a website that has dynamic content in multiple pages or categories using python 问题...
Selenium / select dropbox?
英文: Selenium / select dropbox? 问题 我尝试使用Selenium访问以下网站:https://gesund.bund.de/suchen/aerztinnen-und-a...