英文: "rails db:migrate" error : relation "users" does not exist? 问题 我是新手使用Rails,以...
Ruby on Rails – 在模型中将邮件发送作为回调测试
英文: Ruby on Rails - Testing Mailer as a callback in Model 问题 以下是您要翻译的代码部分: 我有这个逻辑,当用户被创建时,我会发送欢迎邮件给用...
英文: How to nest an erb call in another erb? 问题 运行以下代码: ERB.new("1. <%= ERB.new('2').r...
Instance Methods Class Error: in `new': wrong number of arguments (given 7, expected 0) (ArgumentError)
英文: Instance Methods Class Error: in `new': wrong number of arguments (given 7, expected 0) (Arg...
英文: How to add an activestorage attachment without triggering activerecord callbacks 问题 问题在于在 afters...
英文: how is the rails way include all user custom helper files in view component 问题 class Application...
英文: In rails, Turbo just appends the response from the server at the end of current page 问题 问题: Turb...
英文: Eager loading with relations causes touch option not to work 问题 使用includes来预加载Active Record时,upd...
英文: Why i am getting this error in Factory: must be exist card? how can i solved it? 问题 只要我创建一个 'pos...
英文: How to resolve 500 status when deploying to Heroku 问题 2023-02-15T20:31:47.060556+00:00 app[web.1...