英文: Set Session in RSpec with Rails 7 API 问题 以下是您要翻译的代码部分: class Users::RegistrationsController &...
英文: Deduce controller name from namespaced string 问题 在我的Rails代码库中,我使用了以下代码: Rails.application.routes...
英文: Why are my docker-compose failing to build? 问题 我刚刚将我的Docker桌面升级到新版本,但它破坏了我的Docker,其他镜像可以工作,但唯一需要...
Trubo Rails将内容附加到页面主体之外。
英文: Trubo Rails appends content to outside of the body 问题 originally based on: https://github.com/he...
英文: Is there a way to limit which files liquid render can render / include 问题 我想创建一个Ruby on Rails应用程...
在Rails 6中的”has_many through”关联中,我做错了什么?
英文: What Am I doing wrong in the has many through association In Rails 6? 问题 所以,我有3个模型(account,user_...
Testing Rails model method with rspec
英文: Testing Rails model method with rspec 问题 我对于为什么这个测试不起作用感到困惑。只有在我给桩方法 `bar` 添加一个返回值时,它才起作用。然而,预期并...
Javascript file in app/assets/javascript/ is correctly loaded but doesn't seem to work in a rail web application
英文: Javascript file in app/assets/javascript/ is correctly loaded but doesn't seem to work in a ...
Render :edit在使用涡轮帧时未按预期工作
英文: Render :edit not working as expected with turbo frame 问题 我正在使用turbo-rails开发一个两步预订表单,以便使用Ajax并仅更新...
如何在所有Active Admin页面控制器中自动包含一个关注点?
英文: How to automatically include a concern in all Active Admin Page controllers? 问题 I have the follo...