英文: about ros_humble msg file 问题 我已经成功在ros_galactic上构建了项目,由于其他一些问题,我将我的ros版本更改为humble,之后出现了一些问题。我遇到了...
“ros2 rviz Fixed Frame [map] does not exist” appears in the global status. How can I solve this?
英文: ros2 rviz Fixed Frame [map] does not exist" appears in the global status. How can I solve t...
英文: have little problem with webcam publish in ROS2 问题 I am currently your Chinese translator, I wil...
英文: Displaying two robots in the same RViz window 问题 我可以帮您翻译如下部分: "Could anyone please tell me,...
SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standards-based tools
英文: SetuptoolsDeprecationWarning: setup.py install is deprecated. Use build and pip and other standa...
英文: multiple yaml files in ros2 launch 问题 In ROS2 (Foxy), you can load multiple YAML files in a laun...
Cannot locate node of type [septentrio_gnss_driver_node]
英文: Cannot locate node of type [septentrio_gnss_driver_node] 问题 当我启动roslaunch septentrio_gnss_driver...
英文: Can I navigate my turtlebot3 on a map without lauching rviz? (Foxy-ROS2) 问题 I am trying to navig...
英文: ROS2 humble no such file but installed confirmed 问题 我收到了来自朋友的一个包裹,需要在ROS2 humble上构建它。 我在vs code中...
ImportError: 无法从 ‘nav2_msgs.action’ 导入 ‘NavigateThroughPoses’
英文: ImportError: cannot import name 'NavigateThroughPoses' from 'nav2_msgs.action' 问...