英文: Weird issue with Windows: Qt 5.15.2 问题 Platform Qt 5.15.2 Windows. 我有一个使用以下代码的函数: QString commst...
英文: How to set value to a model from the property? 问题 我想根据操作系统向`ListView`模型添加不同的文件: ```qml Applicati...
With QAbstractListModel, is it necessary to implement insertRows and removeRows if the model is resizable?
英文: With QAbstractListModel, is it necessary to implement insertRows and removeRows if the model is ...
matplotlib | QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x831f000) is not the object's thread (0x95b40e0). Cannot move to target thread (0x831f000)
英文: matplotlib | QObject::moveToThread: Current thread (0x831f000) is not the object's thread (0...
英文: QProcess doesn't terminate the program 问题 QProcess pro; pro.start("Notepad"); QTim...
英文: How to loose focus when i click outside TextInput in QML 问题 我在Column中有三个元素,即Button、Rectangle和Lis...
英文: Qt with CMake: Translation .ts files are not updated 问题 我想为我的Qt应用程序(版本6.5.2)提供翻译,该应用程序是使用CMake构建...
默认ServiceProvider::requestService(): 找不到服务 – “org.qt-project.qt.mediaplayer”
英文: defaultServiceProvider::requestService(): no service found for - "org.qt-project.qt.mediapl...
英文: Convert Unicode symbols to HTML with Qt 问题 I have a string, which looks, for example, like this:...
英文: QPainter effects were removed when rendering a QOpenGLWidget into a QPixmap 问题 我有一个使用QPainter进行O...