英文: I cannot execute my bootloader file in qemu emulator 问题 抱歉,以下是您要翻译的内容: org 0x7c00 section .text ...
QEMU Linux Bash init脚本未打印到控制台。
英文: QEMU Linux Bash init scripts not printing to the console 问题 我在模拟一块搭载 ARM-Cortex A15 处理器的 TI 开发板。...
英文: Different CPU capabilities 问题 以下是您要翻译的部分: 物理节点上的 CPU 标志计数为 133 虚拟机部署的 CPU 模式为 'host-passthrough'...
英文: Is it possible to convert a machine image to raw and pipe to `dd` at same time? 问题 首先,一些背景信息: 我被...
英文: Why QEMU refuses to run this eabi (bare metal) ARM binary? 问题 I need to get a trace of the machi...
英文: Qemu doesn't load my Image file at my specified address 问题 我的链接器脚本: SECTIONS{ . = 0xC0008000...
Assembly code for operating bit field in C behaves weird in QEMU.
英文: Assembly code for operating bit field in C behaves weird in QEMU 问题 I understand your request to...
英文: Who will configure virtio,mmio device register in qemu? 问题 I understand your issue with configur...
英文: How can QEMU dynamically switch from aarch64 to x86 based on the ELF I'm executing? 问题 I hav...
英文: xv6 memory mapping during boot up time 问题 我正在阅读这本书,https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2022/xv6/boo...