英文: calculate the partial derivatives of temperature (horizontal advection of temperature) 问题 我想知道计算...
英文: Is there a way to delete time values in an xarray dataset that does not meet a certain time valu...
I want to select data using ranges of longitudes and latitudes in a NetCDF4 file using Python on Windows. I can't even open the dataset with xarray
英文: I want to select data using ranges of longitudes and latitudes in a NetCDF4 file using Python on...
英文: Calculating the mean of two xarrays datasets is very very slow. Why? 问题 我有两个包含空间温度的xarray数据集。每个数...
Sample 2D grid in Xarray
英文: Sample 2D grid in Xarray 问题 我有一个包含样本的一维数组,每个样本都有对应的x和y坐标。我想将其转换为一个二维网格,其中每个网格单元格包含落在该网格单元格中的所有样本...
英文: Efficiently interpolating a small xarray.DataArray into coordinates of a larger array? 问题 我有一个大型...
Python错误与xarray open_rasterio函数
英文: Python error with xarray open_rasterio function 问题 # Step 3: 使用 rioxarray 读取 GeoTIFF 文件 data = x...
英文: Can Xarray's open_mfdataset() function work with variable number of files in the nested stru...
英文: Check if condition is met three or more times consecutively (Python) 问题 我有一个全球数据集,包括大约15000天 x 3...
英文: Writing a tiff with colormap from rasterio 问题 以下是您要翻译的代码部分: import xarray as xr import rioxarray...