英文: Creating java interface with similar methods 问题 我正在简化代码,其中我有两个类(Lab和Pitbull)。它们具有相同的方法名称,但调用不同的辅...
英文: Are instance and object different? 问题 以下哪些是正确的? b 不是 A 的实例 b 不是 C 的实例 英文: Which of the following...
比较 Java 中的文件列表
英文: Compare a List of files in java 问题 我正在尝试实现一个JavaFx应用程序,其中将比较mp4文件的文件名和png文件的文件名,如果它们相等或者一个包含另一个,...
英文: How is a child object constructed in Java? 问题 在Java中,子对象是如何构造的? 我刚开始学习继承,以下几点对我来说不太清楚: 子对象仅取决于子类...
英文: Class which removes objects from array in main 问题 zombieHorde.java public class ZombieHorde { in...
英文: Can a subclass implementing an interface in java have its own methods? 问题 例如,我有以下的代码: Shape.java...
Can a class which extends an abstract class be non abstract if it does not implement the methods of the abstract class it extends?
英文: Can a class which extends an abstract class be non abstract if it does not implement the methods...
Is there a way to reuse a part of code to instantiate array-lists that hold different data types?
英文: Is there a way to reuse a part of code to instantiate array-lists that hold different data types...
‘E extends Object declared in class Vector even after using generics
英文: 'E extends Object declared in class Vector even after using generics 问题 以下是您提供的代码的翻译部分: 我一直在...
英文: How to store a line in an Array? 问题 public class Main { public static void main (String[] Args) ...