比较 Java 中的文件列表

huangapple go评论79阅读模式

Compare a List of files in java




public void videoLoop() {
    File videoDirectory = new File("C:\\Users\\Hasan\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Smart-Moniesta\\Smart-Moniesta-Raspberry-Pi\\src\\ressources\\videos");
    File[] listOfFiles = videoDirectory.listFiles();
    File imgDirectory = new File("C:\\Users\\Hasan\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Smart-Moniesta\\Smart-Moniesta-Raspberry-Pi\\src\\ressources\\images");
    File[] imglistOfFiles = imgDirectory.listFiles();

    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;

    for (i = 0; i <= listOfFiles.length - 1; i++) {
        if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) {
            System.out.println("File aus der i Schleife " + listOfFiles[i].getName());
    for (j = 0; j <= imglistOfFiles.length - 1; j++) {
        if (imglistOfFiles[j].isFile()) {
            System.out.println("File Bilder aus der j Schleife: " + imglistOfFiles[j].getName());
    if (listOfFiles[i].getName().contains(imglistOfFiles[j].getName())) {
        System.out.println("Vergleich klappt" + listOfFiles[i].getName());
    } else {
        System.out.println("Klappt nicht");

I am trying to implement a JavaFx Application where the filename of an mp4 and the filename of an png are compared, and if they are equal or one contains the other, right now there is a sysout.

So far I am using two loops to go through the lists of files and I am retrieving both files, but there is one problem: I have more pngs than mp4s, and that is why I am getting an ArrayOutOfBounds exception. I could not really find a workaround for this. The problem lies in the final if statement.

public void videoLoop() {
    File videoDirectory = new File(&quot;C:\\Users\\Hasan\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Smart-Moniesta\\Smart-Moniesta-Raspberry-Pi\\src\\ressources\\videos&quot;);
    File[] listOfFiles = videoDirectory.listFiles();
    File imgDirectory = new File(&quot;C:\\Users\\Hasan\\OneDrive\\Desktop\\Smart-Moniesta\\Smart-Moniesta-Raspberry-Pi\\src\\ressources\\images&quot;);
    File[] imglistOfFiles = imgDirectory.listFiles();

    int i = 0;
    int j = 0;

    for (i = 0; i &lt;= listOfFiles.length - 1; i++) {
        if (listOfFiles[i].isFile()) {
            System.out.println(&quot;File aus der i Schleife &quot; + listOfFiles[i].getName());
    for (j = 0; j &lt;= imglistOfFiles.length - 1; j++) {
        if (imglistOfFiles[j].isFile()) {
            System.out.println(&quot;File Bilder aus der j Schleife: &quot; + imglistOfFiles[j].getName());
    if (listOfFiles[i].getName().contains(imglistOfFiles[j].getName())) {
        System.out.println(&quot;Vergleich klappt&quot; + listOfFiles[i].getName());
    } else {
        System.out.println(&quot;KLappt nicht&quot;);


得分: 1




You need the second for loop to be nested inside the first loop. and your last if condition should be inside the inner for loop.

You also need another condition in your for loop where you check if the second file name contains the first one.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月15日 23:12:56
  • 转载请务必保留本文链接:https://go.coder-hub.com/63904835.html



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