英文: Why does uasyncio module in micropython doesn't have any "run" function? 问题 I am u...
树莓派 Pi Pico W 自动启动并连接网络
英文: Raspberry Pi Pico W Autostart with Network 问题 我正在尝试自动启动一个Pico W程序。 我可以让它闪烁LED,但当我添加关于温度传感器和网络的逻辑...
从 requests 中显示图像通过 framebuf
英文: Display image from requests via framebuf 问题 I've built an HTTP API returning an image (`HTTP...
Why does my highscore saving output "TypeError: unsupported types for __ge__: 'int', 'list'" in micropython?
英文: Why does my highscore saving output "TypeError: unsupported types for __ge__: 'int'...
我如何使用Micropython在Raspberry Pi Pico上使用IRQ增加计数并点亮LED?
英文: How can I increment a count with IRQs and light an LED using Micropython on Raspberry Pi Pico? 问...
无法在 CircuitPython 中设置软访问点
英文: Can't set up soft access point in CircuitPython 问题 以下是您要翻译的部分: import network ap_ssid = "...
Running two concurrent infinite loops using asyncio
英文: Running two concurrent infinite loops using asyncio 问题 我有一个程序,正在接收家庭气象站传输的UDP数据。其中有一个数值叫做"r...