英文: Is it possible to exit from an ISR without returning to the calling code? 问题 我正在尝试在汇编语言中创建一个中断服务...
英文: How to write atomic RMW-sequences on Cortex-M4 in C++ 问题 在下面的示例中,有4个版本用于原子递增(或使用其他形式的原子操作)变量a1或a...
英文: How can I print the Irq handler function name from idt table? 问题 I managed to print my IDT Table...
英文: Why does my hardware timer not increment the count using HAL libraries? 问题 我正在为SAML21G18B编写一个程序,...
英文: dsPIC33EP256MC506 Uart TRMT not empty on interrupt 问题 以下是您要翻译的内容: 所以我正在使用dsPIC33EP256MC506,其中一个U...
启用ATTINY1626 UART RX中断不触发ISR,如何解决?
英文: Enabling ATTINY1626 UART RX interrupt doesn't trigger ISR, how to resolve? 问题 I have a recei...
我如何使用Micropython在Raspberry Pi Pico上使用IRQ增加计数并点亮LED?
英文: How can I increment a count with IRQs and light an LED using Micropython on Raspberry Pi Pico? 问...
What does it mean by 'TypeError: argument of type 'Adam' is not iterable'?
英文: What does it mean by 'TypeError: argument of type 'Adam' is not iterable'? 问题 抱歉...
英文: How to wait for an NMI interrupt without polling? 问题 To wait for an NMI interrupt, currently I d...
英文: how do I catch the timer interrupt in 8086 assembly language 问题 我使用TASM和DOSBox来解决一个问题。我必须捕获定时器中断...