英文: How can I guarantee a thread is safely unlocking a lock upon termination, while all methods alre...
英文: Reentrancy in synchronized methods 问题 同步方法可重入吗? 我有这段代码: public class Main { synchronized void m1...
SonarIssue: 在所有路径上未释放锁
英文: SonarIssue: Does not release lock on all paths 问题 我有类似下面提到的代码。我在 finally 块中释放了锁,但 SonarQube 仍然显示...
英文: nested syncronized block on one object 问题 下面是您提供的代码的翻译部分: 这是代码部分,不需要翻译。 请注意,我只翻译了您提供的代码部分,不包括问题和...
英文: How to check whether sleep() method in Java holds lock or not? 问题 class MyThread extends Thread{...
英文: ReentrantLock Condition how does signallAll() work? 问题 我正在尝试理解signalAll()如何不会破坏关键部分,例如 //这里有一个类试...
‘fair’ 和 ‘unfair’ 锁之间的内部存储差异
英文: Difference in internal storing between 'fair' and 'unfair' lock 问题 Lock 接口与 Reen...
英文: Is it possible to use Java intrinsic locks explicitly? 问题 在Java中,假设你有一个数组: Object[] objs = {o1, ...
How thread lock should be handled to keep other threads waiting until downloading a file and then allow all threads to read the file in one go
英文: How thread lock should be handled to keep other threads waiting until downloading a file and the...
Why can't await and signal methods be called directly on object of ReentrantLock. Why do I need Condition?
英文: Why can't await and signal methods be called directly on object of ReentrantLock. Why do I n...