‘fair’ 和 ‘unfair’ 锁之间的内部存储差异

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Difference in internal storing between 'fair' and 'unfair' lock


Lock 接口与 ReentrantLock(true) 类锁的工作方式是使用 BlockingQueue 来存储想要获取该 的线程。通过这种方式,先到的线程先出去,即先进先出(FIFO)。关于这一点都很清楚。

但是,“不公平锁” 呢,或者说 ReentrantLock(false) 呢?它们的内部实现是什么?操作系统如何决定现在选择哪个线程?最重要的是,这些线程现在是否也存储在队列中,还是存储在其他地方?(它们肯定得在某个地方)


The way Lock interface with class Reentrant(true) lock works is that it uses BlockingQueue to store Threads that want to acquire the lock. In that way thread that 'came first, go out first'-FIFO. All clear about that.

But where do 'unfair locks' go, or ReentrantLock(false). What is their internal implementation? How does OS decide which thread now to pick? And most importantly are now these threads also stored in a queue or where? (they must be somewhere)


得分: 9







> 即使此锁被设置为使用公平排序策略,对tryLock()的调用在锁可用时 将会 立即获取锁,而不管其他线程当前是否在等待该锁。即使这种“闯入”行为在某些情况下可能很有用,尽管它破坏了公平性。


The class ReentrantLock does not use a BlockingQueue. It uses a non-public subclass of AbstractQueuedSynchronizer behind the scenes.

The AbstractQueuedSynchronizer class, as its documentation states, maintains “a first-in-first-out (FIFO) wait queue”. This data structure is the same for fair and unfair locks. The unfairness doesn’t imply that the lock would change the order of enqueued waiting threads, as there would be no advantage in doing that.

The key difference is that an unfair lock allows a lock attempt to succeed immediately when the lock just has been released, even when there are other threads waiting for the lock for a longer time. In that scenario, the queue is not even involved for the overtaking thread. This is more efficient than adding the current thread to the queue and putting it into the wait state while removing the longest waiting thread from the queue and changing its state to “runnable”.

When the lock is not available by the time, a thread tries to acquire it, the thread will be added to the queue and at this point, there is no difference between fair and unfair locks for it (except that other threads may overtake it without getting enqueued). Since the order has not been specified for an unfair lock, it could use a LIFO data structure behind the scenes, but it’s obviously simpler to have just one implementation code for both.

For synchronized, on the other hand, which does not support fair acquisition, there are some JVM implementations using a LIFO structure. This may change from one version to another (or even with the same, as a side effect of some JVM options or environmental aspects).

Another interesting point in this regard, is that the parameterless tryLock() of the ReentrantLock implementation will be unfair, even when the lock is otherwise in fair mode. This demonstrates that being unfair is not a property of the waiting queue here, but the treatment of the arriving thread that makes a new lock attempt.

> Even when this lock has been set to use a fair ordering policy, a call to tryLock() will immediately acquire the lock if it is available, whether or not other threads are currently waiting for the lock. This "barging" behavior can be useful in certain circumstances, even though it breaks fairness.

  • 本文由 发表于 2020年8月16日 05:54:35
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