英文: I am getting empty list while fetching data from FirebaseFirestore in Android(Kotlin and jetpack...
I am getting empty list while fetching data from FirebaseFirestore in Android(Kotlin and jetpack Compose)
英文: I am getting empty list while fetching data from FirebaseFirestore in Android(Kotlin and jetpack...
英文: Changing the application icon dynamically with activity alias 问题 我在API中有两个图标,并且当按下按钮1时,我希望应用程序图标...
英文: Changing the application icon dynamically with activity alias 问题 在API中有两个图标,我希望当按下按钮1时,应用程序图标是AP...
英文: Appending text to textview 问题 以下是翻译好的内容: 有一个带有以下 onClick 事件的按钮: fun add(view: View) { txt.append...
英文: Appending text to textview 问题 第二段代码有什么问题? 问题在于使用 += 运算符时,需要确保 txt.text 的类型支持这种操作。在第一段代码中,txt.app...
Expected begin_array but was begin_object at line 1 column 2 path $ on Kotlin+Android
英文: Expected begin_array but was begin_object at line 1 column 2 path $ on Kotlin+Android 问题 我调用了Pet...
Expected begin_array but was begin_object at line 1 column 2 path $ on Kotlin+Android
英文: Expected begin_array but was begin_object at line 1 column 2 path $ on Kotlin+Android 问题 我调用了Pet...
What is view model factory and livedata. Can anyone explain this in simple words?
英文: What is view model factory and livedata. Can anyone explain this in simple words? 问题 以下是这些主题的简单解...
英文: What is view model factory and livedata. Can anyone explain this in simple words? 问题 以下是要翻译的内容: ...